Chapter 7-Hunt (part 8)

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Oddly,back at the Blake's house,Joseph let his daughter stay with Lana and Alex for a few days without particular odjection.

Three days later,another cold January morning had dawned.

-Ready,Lindia said airily when she entered the kitchen.

-Great,let's go,Alex answered and drank hastily the last sip of her juice.

She grabbed her bag from the counter and they left.They would go to school together and Lindia was very excited, like a kid.

-Just like we said,as soon as the lesson starts,you will leave and return to the house immediately,Alex reminded her.

-Yes,yes,her cousin agreed unwillingly.

-Lindia...I don't want any more troubles...,she pleaded.

-Can you stop worring for just one second and let me enjoy this?,Lindia answered. more nagging,I promise, she said acknowledging how much important that was for her cousin.

-Thank you,she said and hugged her.

When they arrived Lindia's face glowed from joy.

-How exciting!,she said to Alex thrilled.

-Try to act normal...,she pleaded  when she saw that they were looking at them strangely.

-What do you mean?

-It might seem strange to you,but not everyone is so...happy to be here...

-Well that explains their faces...,she said ironically.

The two girls were laughing when Sam approached them.

-Guess who will do the backing vocals for Seth's band,she said -or probably screamed- happy to Alex and then did a small dance.

-Of course...,she said.

She wasn't very excited by the idea that her best friend would disappear once again.

-I will!,Sam confirmed proudly.

-I had no doubt...,Alex answered and smiled.-My cousin Lindia.Lindia,here is my utterly lunatic friend,Sam,she introduced the two girls.

-Your cousin?You've never said anything!,Sam said surprised.

-Yeah...they're not very proud of me...I'm the black sheep of the family you see,so they had me locked in my tower until I escaped!,Lindia joked in a very serious manner.

-I officially find you awesome!,Sam laughed.

-You're not too bad yourself either...I've heard a lot of things about you from Alex.

-The best I imagine...,she said and gave a deadly look to her friend.

-Don't flatter yourself future rock star...I've done countless complaints!, Alex answered.

-And I said to her that when you're famous she will be proud to be your friend!,Lindia added.

-I did tell you you're awesome,right?, Sam answered her.

-Perfect,now nobody can save me from you two!,Alex joked with a desperate look and the three girls bursted into laughter.

That moment,Sam and Alex saw Louis walking up to them.He was clearly worried.

-Alex I must speak to you!,he said straight out.

When he saw Lindia he was puzzled. They both stayed shocked looking at each other for a few seconds that seemed like ages.

-What does the psycho want from you?,Sam whispered to Alex's ear.

-How should I know?,she whispered too.

Deep inside though,she felt that something wasn't right.

-What are you doing here?,Louis and Lindia said together at the same time.
-What am I doing here?What are YOU doing here?,they said again.-Stop saying what I say!,they yelled irritated once again.

-I asked you first!,Louis said.

-I asked you last!,she answered him.

-They're playing some kind of game or something?Cause I don't get it...,Sam said to Alex.

She sighed frustrated.

-I don't have time for this...Louis!What did you want to tell me?,she brought them back to reality.

-Not here...,he said,as he wanted to talk to her alone.

-Let's go,Alex answered,who understood immediately,and they distanced.

-You do realise that you have a crush on the psycho guy,right?,Sam,who knew these things from miles away,said to Lindia as they were watching them walk away.

-No!Of course not!And what are you anyway?Rock star or psychic?,she answered frustrated.Sam looked at her with a gaze filled with suspicion.   -Fine...Unfortunately yes...I'm gonna need a brain transplant!,she finally admitted.

-Well...he seems to be interested too.

-You think?,Lindia asked her nervous.

-Indeed you are cousins...,Sam commented.

In the meantime,a little further...

-What is going on?,Alex asked when they were far enough.

-He told me not to tell you anything but...Brandon...he is wounded and it's serious,Louis told her.

Alex felt a knot in her stomach.

-What?But werewolves...

-I know,they can heal themselves,but he has lost a lot of blood,he is weak.I have to tell you this...he's acting as if he doesn't want to heal.He won't endure this for much have to help him!,he begged her.

-I wasn't going to wait for you to ask me!Let's go,quickly!,she answered angrily.

She knew she shouldn't have left him that day in the attic.

~To be continued~

I hope you're having a beautiful day!

Kisses,Alex :)

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