Chapter 11-Every end is a new beginning (part 1)

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Alex returned to the house numb.She went inside quietly and sat pensive in the living room. Soon,Lana came in with Scar.

-Where have you been?,she asked her,but quickly understood that her granddaughter wasn't willing to answer.-Brandon left as soon as he woke up,she continued.

-What about Scar?Why didn't he take him with him?

-He said that he is happier here.Besides,he thinks it won't be for long...

-I wish...,she answered clearly worried.

-Will you tell me what is going on?

-The thing is not what is going on right now,but what will happen tomorrow.That's what I'm afraid of.

-No one can predict the future with certainty.Not even witches,Lana answered and made Alex smile.

-Do you believe in me?,she asked her grandma.

-Of course.

-Then tell Joseph to arrange the meeting of the wizards before the celebration at a different place to the one we agreed.

-And why is that?

-I can't tell you.

-You have to tell me or else I won't be able to convince him.

-You'll find a way.It's our last chance.

-All that secrecy can't be for good.Don't forget that I raised you.I can understand if something bothers you or if you're hiding something from me.

-Will you do what I asked you?

-Do you know what you're doing?


-Very well.

-Thank you grandma.I want you to know that I love you very much.

-Me too sweetie,Lana said and hugged her tight.-Alex...promise me that you'll be careful...I have a bad feeling...

-I promise,Alex answered but deep inside she was afraid that she couldn't keep her promise.

The day of the celebration

The hours slipped just as nervously and the dusk of the following day came.Alex was holding her mother's pendant tight in her hands to give her strength.She had to go.There was no more time for thinking.She wore it,armed herself with courage,and went off to the forest to the point where a remarkable event would take place,which would last for two days.

The five holy rocks represented the five tribes of the magic world.They only showed up for two days and then disappeared for the rest of the year.During their revelation,the five strongest families of the tribe of the Wizards united their powers.That event wasn't important only for them,but for all Wizards and Witches.It was a celebration that symbolized their strength and unity.If Leonard managed to destroy that celebration,he would win.The Wizards,who dominated till now in their world,would be history.

Alex was waiting patiently in the middle of the forest.Her heart was beating like crazy.Her legs couldn't hold her.

-Come on girl...pull yourself together,she said to herself.

She had to seem brave.She couldn't let fear overrule her.She closed her eyes and then something happened that had never happened to her before.After a thunder of light,she saw dozens of wolves lurking.She opened her eyes quickly and looked around,but she was alone. After a while Brandon came.He aproached her clearly stressed.

-They're here,right?,he asked her.

-Yes.They followed me as soon as I entered the forest.Are you sure for what you're about to do? We can still leave if you regretted it.

-Brandon Wolfdor!

He looked at her deeply in the eyes.

-I need to tell you that I...

-No...,she stopped him.-Don't say it.Not like this.We have a long time ahead of us,she said and touched her leg.

-Your wound...Does it hurt?

-I'm fine.They must not be far away.

She could feel their presence.It ran through her like electricity.When they appeared,she did a step back.Her ears started buzzing.Brandon went immediately in front of her.Dozens of werewolves were there with Leonard as their leader.He walked forward and looked his son in the eyes.

-Traitor!,one was heard from the pack.

-He allied with them!,someone else said.

-Let's kill them both!

-Silence!,Leonard yelled.Everyone went quiet.-I never thought I would live something like that. You are my you really hate me that much?

-You're wrong!I'm just doing what I think is right,Brandon answered him.

-I'm wrong...that girl and her family would kill me without a second thought!

Brandon clenched his fist.

-What is he telling you?,Alex,who couldn't hear Leonard,whispered to Brandon.

-No!You have no idea who she is!,Brandon yelled at him.

-And you know her that well?

Then Brandon silenced for a while and looked at her.These second seemed to her like centuries.She couldn't figure out what was going on inside his head.

-Yes...And you know why?Because she has kindness in her heart.The only way to understand that,is feel it.She,even with fifty enemies in front her,accepts to talk to you.All I'm asking is to listen to what she has to say to you.

-Very well...,his father said after a few moments of thinking and he smiled.

-Go,she said to Alex and she walked ahead with courage.

~To be continued~

Thank you so much for reading my story and I really hope you liked it!Have a beautiful day filled with smiles!!

Love,Alex <3

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