Chapter 6-Everything brought to light (part 7)

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-My friends!My friends!,Joseph yelled and everyone went quiet.They listened carefully.-Calm down!I know that the news I brought you upseted you,but nothing is lost!All we have to do is move fast.Not hesitate.What my mother learnt was the spark we needed to strike.Now!As the full moon approaches,they get stronger and we get weaker!We must not lose any more time.Keep fear away from your hearts!,he encouraged them.

He was already informed by Lana about the situation that Brandon was descriping in his letter. As soon as he finished,they all started talking again.The disbelief was obvious in their words.

-The only thing you'll succeed is to get us all killed!,the voice of a young wizard stood out from the background.

-Watch your words young man.Do you have any idea how many wizards and witches suffered because of the werewolves?They were hunting them for hours and killing them slowly and torturously.I,myself found your father dead.You,your mother and your little sister were left alone because of them,Joseph answered him.The young man stayed in a corner,silent.

-If the Immortals find out,we're lost!,said a witch.

-Until they do everything will be over,he answered her.

He knew that he would face obsticles,but nothing could stop him.He could feel the hatred flowing in his blood.Spreading like a disease.It was killing him little by little,day by day.Even the thought of revenge wasn't letting him settle.

The next day,he decided it was time to talk to Alex.That conversation had been delayed for too long.He knocked at the door and after the second effort he entered the room.He took a look around.He hadn't seen so much liveliness in that room since the time his sister lived there.His gaze fell upon the wooden box that was placed on the nightstand.He took it in his hands, conteplated it for a while and then opened it.He saw a letter inside,unfolded the paper,without expecting it to be something important,and read it.As his eyes were rolling down the lines,his fury was growing.

He believed that his niece hadn't contacted with that scumbag again since the day she came to his house.How wrong he was.They had tricked him as if he was a ten year old.Outraged,he barged into his daughter's room.There,he found the two girls talking,unwary.

-What is this?,he yelled to Alex.

She froze.She couldn't feel her body and her stomach had turned into a knot.How she forgot to hide it!Lindia was looking at her cousin numb.After a few seconds she found the courage and pulled herself together.

-Did you search my stuff?,she asked angrily and stood up from her seat.

-Is that all you have to say?,he answered her and threw the letter on the floor.-Did you know about this?,he asked his daughter.Lindia's heart was about to explode.

-I...,she whispered.The words weren't coming out of her lips.

-Don't involve her in this.She knew nothing!,Alex said bravely.

She just couldn't not stand up for her cousin,who had offered her help and support without taking anything into account.Lindia was able to breathe again.

-The minute you fell in love with the son of our worst enemy,you betrayed your tribe,he said disappointed.

-Your enemy!Not mine!I never asked to be a part of this!,Alex yelled at him furious.

-Whether you like it or not it's who you are!Deal with it!One day you will be the Leader.You have to choose.Us or them!,he shouted.

Angry as he was,he revealed to her that she was his successor.She would become the next Leader of the tribe of the Wizards.<<Regina>>,wrote the Book of the Spells next to her name.<<Queen>>. She was shocked.Her?Leader of the Wizards?How?...and most importantly...why?

-What did you say?,she managed to mumble.

-Why did you think your Romeo approach you?They want to get rid of you and found the easy way to do it.Ηe pretended the lovestruck to you,and you believed him!,her uncle told her bluntly.

<<Is it true?>>,Alex thought.His words were piercing her heart like nails.

-It can't be...He loves me...,she answered foolishly.She said that to believe it herself.She didn't want to believe that what her uncle told her had even a dose of truth in it.

-How convenient!He doesn't give a damn about you!,Joseph yelled at her.-Your mother would be ashamed of you,he said in the end and left.

He closed the door behind him,making deafening noise.

When the door closed,Αlex couldn't take it and kneeled.She was feeling so weak.She took the letter from the floor and held it tight inside her hand.

-Alex,don't listen to him...he's angry right now...,Lindia tried to comfort her.

-No...,she said as if she was talking to herself and quickly wiped her eyes.

Would her mother really be ashamed of her?That thought had never crossed her mind,but now it was torturing her.And Brandon?Was it possible that everything they'd lived was a lie?Everything she felt inside his arms,his words filled with love...were lies?It was now plain clear in front of her eyes.She had to do the right thing.What everyone wanted.She would stay away from him even if that meant tearing her own heart out.She stood up and talked to her cousin.

-You have helped me very much,without having any obligation.You took a big risk and I will forever be grateful,but it won't be nesessary anymore...

-But...,her cousin started to say.

-The fairytale is over.Brandon and I,are over,she said with a cold voice.

~To be continued~

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