Chapter 4-Tangled in the web (part 1)

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Two days after the hunt,Brandon was in no condition to go to school.Alex was terribly worried. She even thought to go to his place to see if he was alright,but then she thought that it wasn't a very good idea (in fact,it was completely stupid),and perhaps that way she might be have been forcing her luck.She didn't know how Lana would take it,even though she was pretty certain she would be furious,and moreover,she didn't know if they could tell she is a witch.What if she sent Sam?She wasn't in danger but it wouldn't be right to involve her in this story.

On Friday,Alex went to school with the hope that Brandon would be there.And he was.He was talking to Louis in front of the school entrance.She approached them to say hi when Brandon looked at her indifferently,ignored her,and left.She boggled.When she realised what exactly had happened she felt she was boiling.She had never felt more embarrassed in her life.

<<What did I expect in the first place?You idiot!>>,she thought,turned around to leave,but at the last minute,she went back to Louis.

-What was that?,she asked him pissed off with a loud voice,showing the door which Brandon had passed a while ago inside the school.A few kids turned and looked at her.

-What are you talking about?,he answered her in a stone cold way.His voice made his deep blue eyes even more piercing.

-You know what?Forget it!,she said enraged gritting her teeth.-Just tell him that I wanted to ask if he's ok.

Then she left.She couldn't believe what just happened.Maybe her grandma was right and she should stay away from him after all.But how she could be so wrong about him?In the meantime, Louis found Brandon punching his locker with fury to close.

-What happened?,he asked worried as he saw Louis approaching.

-Don't ask.I know her for three years and I've never seen her so red,he joked.

-God knows what she thinks.One moment I talk to her about my childhood and the other I avoid her.She must think I'm a jerk.And the worst thing is that she is right.I don't know what to do!,Brandon said in total despair.As much as he didn't want to admit it,he cared for what she was thinking of him.

-I told you to stay away from her,Louis said to him.

-I can't...I,I don't want to!,he yelled.His feeling were smothering him.They were like noose around his neck.

-You don't have a choice.Anywise,you told me you are going to talk to her today,right?,he reminded him.

Yes,Brandon answered and lowered his head.-I can't risk for the others to look for her.

-So,If she listens to you,she will leave.And everything will be over,he told him at his effort to reason him.

<<Everything will be over>>.That thought caused a knot at his stomach.It hurted him.

During the lesson he was trying to prepare himself for what he was going to tell her.He was looking at the board but he wasn't "seeing" anything.He was holding his gaze away from her with great effort.Alex was waiting in vain for a look to give her hope that what she felt wasn't just in her head.Nothing.

When the bell rang,Alex went to the library.There she was feeling absolute peacefulness.She could "collect" her thoughts.It was her and the books.And it wasn't just the quiet that attracted her.It was the calm inside her soul she was finally able to tame.Her mind emptied just to be filled with the landscapes,the people and the stories of the books.So many things had happened lately,and she desperately wanted to put her thoughts in order.To focus.

She sat alone at one of the library's empty offices and took Homer's Odyssey to read.It was one of her favourites. It always excited her and troubled her at the same time.Mostly,how many obsticles a person has to overcome to reach his goal.His "Ithaca".And if us humans are pawns in the hands of a greater power,whether that's called God or fate.Or if we're puppets in other people's hands.That last one bothered her more than anything.Others deciding for her,not being able to control her own life.

She was so engrossed in it she didn't even noticed Brandon standing at the door and looking at her.The truth was he wanted to stare at her for a few minutes,calm as she was,before telling her what he wanted to say.He grabbed a chair and sat opposite her.

-I could never imagine that you're a witch.Honestly,congratulations.You hide it pretty well,he told her ironically.

He sounded angrier and more offended than he intended.Alex got scared,but managed to keep her composure and searched the room to see if there was anyone there who could hear them. Thankfully,they were alone.

-I do not know what you're talking about,she murmured.

They exchanged hostile gazes.

-So you don't know...Let's introduce ourselves again then,shall we?Brandon Wolfdor.Son of the Lord of the Werewolves,Leonard.I am sure you're uncle and your grandmother know him very well.

Alex froze.Son of the Lord of the Werewolves?That's not possible.She didn't know what to do.

-I'm telling you again.I do not know what you're talking about!,she answered with as much calmness she had left,emphasizing to her words even more this time.

She stood up and tried to leave,but before she even got to,Brandon cut her way by standing in front of her.

-Listen.I don't wanna hurt you so don't make me.Convince your uncle to stop the attack and leave this town while you can,otherwise...

-Otherwise?,she asked looking at him in the eyes.

-My next offer won't be so generous.

Alex felt her blood rising to her head.Never in her entire life a person had infurieted her so much like him,in just one day.

-You?Hurt me?You don't know a damn thing about me!And we're not going anywhere.Neither myself nor my grandmother fear no one.Especially you!,she was talking to him with a loud voice now.She didn't care if someone was listening.

-Don't be so sure,he told her with a smile filled with confidence that made her even angier.

-I can't believe I even liked you!You are just like everybody else.Pity,she said disappointed.

She tried to leave but he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her closely.

-Maybe,but that didn't stop you from falling for me.

He wanted like crazy to see her reaction and the fact that she lost her colour was a good sign.For a while,she lost her voice too.Even better sign.

-Don't be ridiculous,she finally managed to say and pulled her hand with all her power.

But,no matter how powerful witch she was,she couldn't compare herself in physical force with a werewolf.She grabbed her hand with the other and pulled stubbornly.Brandon was standing there calm,watching at her in vain efforts to free herself.He was finding it rather amusing.For just one second,he thought of letting her go.Certainly,she would fall.The thought made him smile.

-You think this is funny?You're hurting me!,she told him crossly.

-Really?A mighty witch like yourself?Besides,I thought you liked it.The last time I held your hand your heart stopped,he answered and let her.

Alex held her wrist that was hurting and then walked away without giving him a second glance.

~To be continued~

Thank you so much for reading!!Don't forget to vote and comment if you like my story so far!! <3

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