Chapter 7-Hunt (part 7)

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-Can you tell me why did you get out of the house in your condition?You know that your leg is not completely well!,Lana said upset.

-I'm perfectly fine and you know yourself too that I had to go to school at last,Alex answered.

-Yes,but not that soon!,she complained.

-Whatever...we'll discuss that later...I have to go...,her grandaughter announced to her to end that conversation.There was no point in being angry and worry for something that had already been done.

-And where will you go,may I ask?,she asked her irritated.

-I must warn Brandon for my uncle's plans.

Lana turned pale.

-You won't go to the mansion,will you?,she asked.

Now her identity had been brought to light and she was in danger more than ever.

-No,he's not there,she calmed her down.-I know where to find him.

-At least let me come with you,Lindia suggested.

-No,that won't be necessary.I will be fine,Alex answered her and tried to smile.

-Are you sure?,her grandma asked her.

-I have to do this...

-You care very much about him,don't you?

-We may not be together anymore,but if I feel his heart beating...I'll always hope.He is my you understand now?,she answered honestly.

They had to understand that she wasn't playing.This whole time that she wasn't talking to him she was feeling...sick,exhausted.

The pain of love is the most sharp,the most bitter.Your entire existance is fading with it in front of your eyes. Every cell of yours is altered,you're not the same anymore.You change. You want to be the person you were once,but it's not possible.You can't.

The two women watched her silent as she was leaving.Besides,what could they say to her?

It took her more time than usual to get in front of the old store,but that didn't discourage her.She went inside and walked carefully to the stairs. Brandon heard the noise she made as she was coming up.Every step was followed by an annoying creaking from the old,wooden stairs.He knew.

His heart was beating like crazy.He smiled widely and then a huge wave of rage followed.Rage that he couldn't hug her,touch her,erase every trace of doubt from her mind.

Alex,with each step,remembered again the first time they were there together.Sweet numd run through her.As soon as she walked through the door she saw him sitting on the floor. He had taken his shirt off to take care of the wound on his shoulder.The gauze was soaked by his blood.

-What do you want?,he asked coldly. He didn't even bother to look at her.

-I came to thank you.My grandma won't admit it but I know that you were the one who saved me that night from the werewolves,even though I don't rememder much from a certain point,she answered.There was awkward silence for a while between return for your help,I have to warn you for something,she continued.

-Really?And what is that?,he asked filled with irony.

-My uncle ordered to search for you.You're in danger.I think it would be better if you leave the town for some time,she explained to him,trying to maintain her composure.Brandon laughed.

-It's funny how things change,right? Joseph would really like that...a few days are enough for him to prepare and take control of the city again.We are not afraid of him.Especially me. We're not going anywhere,he said angry.

His wound hurt even more from the tension and brought out a cry of pain.

-Are you ok?,Alex asked him worried and went up to him.

-Stay where you are.I dont need anyone,don't  pretend like you care,he answered.

She looked at him confused.<<How can he believe I don't care>> , she wondered inside.She turned around and was ready to leave.She didn't even know why she bothered to go in the first place.

-And don't set foot in this place again unless you're the Alex I knew,he yelled at her.

-Have you ever thought that she's not strong enough to survive in all this?, she said to him.She could hear her voice break.

-At least she trusted me.

She left without looking back.Once again she was closing into herself.She was making one mistake after the other.She wanted to yell at him that she loves him,that she needs him,that she still trusts him but something wasn't letting her.If she did,there was no turn back,so she silenced.

~To be continued~

Annnnd...I'm back!!I'm so sorry for not writing all this time,I hope you're having a wonderful,amazing day so far and,as always,thank you so much for reading my story...I do know that there are a lot of mistakes because english is not my native tongue -and to be honest that's the reason why I wasn't writing here- but I promise that this will not stop me anymore and I will try to get better!!

Kisses,Alex :)

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