Chapter 2-The beginning after the end (part 1)

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After Jasmine's death everything changed.Joseph swore to take revenge and Leonard,who now was Lord of the Werewolves,wanted Wizards to pay for his brother's death.A circle of death opened and it seemed as if  there was no end to it.The two tribes were at war.The more lives were lost the more the rivalry and hatred between them grew bigger and bigger.

All efforts for truce were reaching a dead end,and what feared those who seeked peace the most was that even the Immortals weren't able to seize the wrath of the two leaders.

In situations like this,just like in the human world,the ones who pay the terrible price are the innocent.Those who never asked to be part of this,but they were forced to.They had to fight to survive.

In the same town where everything started seventeen years ago,a woman very much relevant to our story,was preparing breakfast for her granddaughter when the phone rang.

That woman was Lana,Joseph's mother and witch herself.Alex was living with her since the moment her mom,Joseph's sister,died and her father disappeared.

That phone call upset Lana a lot.She sighed and held her daughter's photo in her hands.

-I have to tell her someday...,she told herself grimly and lost in her own thoughts.

She hadn't told her granddaughter yet that she was a very powerful witch too,and that she hadn't discovered about it by unbelievable luck.

Nevertheless,she had to know,because in a couple of months she would turn eightteen and had to learn how to control her powers.

Alex went downstairs to the kitchen still in her pyjamas and with her long brown hair loose.

-Good morning!,she said with a big smile on her face.

-Good morning kiddo.How did you sleep?

-The same!Αgain!,she said troubled and jumped to sit on the counter.

-You saw the same nightmare again?,Lana asked her while cutting two slices of bread.

-Yes!I can't understand why this keeps happening!,she complained.

Alex was seeing the same terrible nightmare almost every night,for a year.

She watched a woman burn and scream,but she could feel the burning and the heat in her own boby.The awful pain was forcing her to wake up every single time.

-Don't worry.Now,go change and come to eat your breakfast,Lana answered to change the subject.

Alex sighed grudgingly and left.

Lana had the gift of insight into other people's feelings.That thing had helped her countless times but also got her into trouble.

Suddenly,she felt an enormous wave of rage overwhelming her and a horrible pain to her chest.She was too old for that stuff.She looked outside the window and saw two eyes filled with hatred looking at her.It was a woman with fiery red hair that glistened under the sunlight like lava.The pain got worse and made Lana pass out and fall on the floor.

Alex,without the slightest suspicion,walked downstairs cheerfully and entered the kitchen.

-I just spoke with Sam.You won't believe what she... Grandma?

She walked slowly behind the counter and saw Lana unconscious.She felt her heart stop and her breathing became heavy.

-Grandma?Grandma?...No!No!,she screamed.

She bend down to see if she had a pulse and immediately called for an ambulance.It's amazing how she managed to remain calm.The ambulance came quickly and despite the storm that bursted out out of nowhere,they went to the hospital in time.

Alex was walking up and down the halls,waiting for a doctor to tell her what was going on.The minutes that were slipping by slowly seemed like torture.She loved her grandmother so much and feared for the worst.She didn't even want to think about it,but her mind,as if it had it's own will,brought the same thought back again and again,driving her crazy.

After a long time a doctor found her.He told her that Lana had a heart attack and needed to be taken care of but eventually she would be alright.Alex felt so relieved.It was like she was drowning and in the last minute someone pulled her up to the surface.

She managed to get some sleep after a lot of effort,because of the tention,on an empty bed close to her grandmother.

When she woke up she saw Lana looking at her with a smile on her face,lying on her bed.Αll at once,the sunrays that were sneaking through the blinds into the room strengthened their light.She fell overjoyed into her arms.

-Easy,easy,Lana said laughing.-You didn't sleep all night?,she scolded her granddaughter when she saw the tiredness in her eyes.

-I couldn't,she admitted.

-You must rest.School starts in a few's the last year and...,her grandma said anxious.

-And everything is going to be fine.That's not what worries me right now,Alex reassured her and gave her a kiss.

As she rolled her eyes down,she saw a bouquet of pink roses placed on the nightstand.That only meant one thing.

-Was Joseph here?,she asked.

-Yes.He came very early in the morning,but he had to leave.He had some things to do,Lana excused him.

-I am sure...,Alex said ironically.

In spite of her love for him,Alex couldn't understand how he could be so distant.Of course,she had no idea what had happened and who she really was.

-Don't be so hard on him.Please.

-At least he could...,she started saying when a doctor interupted them.

-Good morning.Miss Alexandra,could you please come with me for a minute?

-Yes,of course,she answered.-I'll be back quickly grandma.

After a while,she returned to the room.

-So?I'll live?,Lana joked.

-The doctor said you're gonna have to stay here today so they can watch over you and tommorow they'll give you leave.I'll go home to get you some clothes and then I'll come back.

-Good.Rest.I'll be fine.That's an order.

Alex kissed her on the forehead and left.

Lana could not wait to return home and she was happy that everything worked out well,but a thought tortured her for a long time now.As she was watching her granddaughter grow up,she convinced herself that she had to tell her the truth.That she was a powerful witch.After the heart attack,she knew that the time she'd tell her everything should not be delayed any longer.

~To be continued~

Have a lovely day!Thank you so much for reading! <3

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