Chapter 5-New rules (part 3)

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The Book of the Spells was opened in the center of the circle the six women had formed.Holding hand in hand,they said the magic spell with one voice:

Each end is a new beginning,

All the elements of nature shall become one,

Fire,earth,water and wind.

We are one body,one soul

Dead or alive we always unite 

Now you're one of us.Our sister you shall be.

And for you,we sacrifice a part of us.

Then,with a knife with sharp blade,they did a small wound to the palm of their hands.

-It's your turn,Lana said and gave Alex the knife.

<<It's got this...>>,Alex whispered to herself and felt the blade in her hand making her shiver.The warm blood run through her fingers.

-Now sign the Book,just like we said,Elsa reminded her.

A drop of her blood was enough.The Book recognised her and wrote her name by itself permanetly on its pages.

-It's time,Helen said and gave Alex a small vial with a dark blue liquid in it.

Every witch had to drink it,so that the procedure would be completed.With great hesitation and   while holding it tight,she brought it close to her lips,closed her eyes and took a sip.Its taste was so disgusting it made her cough and want to vomit.

-You have to drink it all sweetie,Lana said to her.

Alex looked at the liquid that was left,took a deep breath and drank the whole thing.A few seconds later she couldn't breath.She dropped the bottle on the carpet.It was as if two hands were smothering her brutally.Her legs were shaking.After a while she couldn't take it and kneeled. Panic was overwhelming her more more as she wanted to scream but it was impossible.Her eyes became pitch black without differing from the pupils.Lana walked up to her but Isis stood in front of her to stop her.

-She must do this alone...,she said.

-She's right,Helen agreed.

But Lana couldn't stand watch her granddaughter like that.

-Don't worry...I won't do anything...,she promised and went close to her.

At the same time,Brandon,locked inside his room,was walking up and down worried.He was having  difficulty in breathing and an intolerable pain in his heart.He grasped his chest.

-What they've done to her...,he said quietly.

The only thing he wanted was to go to her,but he knew that if he did something like that would be a disaster,especially that night when he was so weak,he didn't stand a chance.He knew that Joseph would surely have placed his "guards" to watch over the house.His thoughts were driving him crazy.He did a few steps towards the window,but then he hesitated.He breathed.He walked fast,opened the window and jumped.When he touched the ground,he transformed into wolf and walked through the empty alleys of the town.

Lana was on her knees next to Alex holding her hands tight.

-Calm will pass...I know you'll make it.You're strong,she was telling her until the effect of the potion ceased.

She took her into her arms.Alex managed to collect her thoughts,control herself and come round.Everything then was calm,like the unbearable quiet after the storm.Emptiness.

That potion was so strong it released the powers of every wizard or witch.The more powerful they are they more painfull the process becomes.It's as if an atomic bomb bursts inside your body.And not a long time would pass until Alex discovers exactly how strong she was.

In the meantime,Brandon was standing across their house,hidden,and watched.

-It's better to take her to her room now,Elsa said.

When he saw the light in her room on,Brandon felt a small relief.Lana put her to her bed and went to close the curtains.At first she didn't realise his presence,but when she took a closer look, she saw him.She sighed,closed the curtains abruptly and left.He disappeared in the shadows and returned to his home.

Inside our very familiar mansion,around the huge oval wooden table,all the werewolves -except for one- were gathered with Leonard sitting at the head of the table sceptical,listening to the rest of them talking while he was making his decisions.

-Since this ragged doesn't step back,we have to attack first!,one said from the depth of the table.

-Patience,my old friend,patience.Joseph awaits such a would be reckless.We have to wait for the right time,Leonard answered with a calm voice.-John,did Brandon tell you anything about the witch?,he asked after a while a young werewolf he had assigned to watch over his son.

-Nothing,my Lord.Just that he is still searching,he answered.

-And the girl you told me?

-I didn't get to find out who she is yet,he admitted.

-Learn.Soon.If he doen't tell us anything about the witch,you're taking over.Something tells me my son knows more than we think.

Leonard's patience was running out day by day.He wanted that girl to be as far as possible,if not dead.If there was one thing he knew about Joseph,it was that his family was his weakness.If he could manage to weaken him and take control of the city again,he would be finally able to take his revenge and destroy him.That's what he was thinking about,as he was looking at the cloudy sky when he was left alone at last.

-Nothing can save you now my sweet Lana.In no mater what hole you will hide,there is no place you will be safe from me.I'm close and you know it,he said and his eyes glared with hatred.

But Lana knew very well how to hide and she would do anything to protect her family and her friends.A shiver run through her,as if she heard his words,she could feel the danger.

-I'm waiting ,she whispered and blew the last candle out that was giving its scanty light to the dark room.

~To be continued~

That was the last part of Chapter 5!!Have a lovely day!! <3

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