Chapter 4-Tangled in the web (part 8)

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Some things are ment to happen,no matter how hard you try to stop them.The more you try to avoid them the more you intertwine in the net of fate.The more you struggle,the faster you sink. An undefeatable desire overwhelmed them both.They wanted to be together.Someone or something brought them together and they couldn't ignore it.Their destiny was common.

Brandon,without thinking of anything or anyone for the first time and not caring about the consequences,got closer to Alex and like a whirl of the wind,just like that,he kissed her.Their lips united in a moment of incomparable magic.The whole world was spinning around them non stop and their hearts were beating as one.That moment time and space disappear.They don't matter.You can't feel the earth under your feet.No matter how many "walls" you built to protect yourself,they fall like paper.A weird mixture of weakness and power together.There is no right or wrong.Their energies became one.

That kiss was the seal of their secret.Their love.A secret that no matter how many know,it shall remain theirs,and theirs only.A sweet intoxication you don't want to come round from.You become a prisoner with your own will.How strange.No matter how many battles humans will do for freedom,they don't want it when they're in love.That which is considered the greatest gift,becomes the most unbearable punishment.

-Υοu know,until two days ago,I had never worn a dress,Alex joked.

They were laughing,still hugging,but Alex knew it wouldn't last for long.Her face darkened and her gaze was hiding a bit of sadness.Her smile faded slowly and she left his arms.

-Two seconds ago you seemed so happy,what happened?,Brandon asked her.

-What are we gonna do?They won't allow know that,she said with the hope that he would say something to her that would make her feel better.

-We will fight!,he answered determined,with a big smile lighting up his face.-I never was more certain for what I want,he continued.He was thinking that as long as they were together,they didn't have to fear anyone.-For now,I'll hide the fact that I found you.They suspect it,but they have no idea it's you,he reassured her.

-The man at the window...the day I met you...he saw me talking to you!,she suddenly remembered.When he saw them his gaze was colder than ice. father...he doesn't approve any king of emotional involvement that might draw my attention,but he doesn't know that you're the witch they made me search for,he answered and gently touched her hair.

-It's incredible how good we are at following orders...The one thing we had to do is stay away from each other and we've been doing the exact opposite since the day we met,she said ironically.

Brandon laughed.She was right though.They sucked at following orders,especially those that were unfair.And she was very proud of that.They listened to their hearts.Brandon saw in Alex what others didn't.A fighter like himself.

Then,they carved at the wooden floor a phrase that ment a lot for both of them.

"I'm not afraid of the end,as long as you hold my hand on the way".

When the afternoon arrived,with a heavy heart,they decided they should leave.With a sweet sigh she said goodbye and he was left thinking of how a kiss can make you feel paradise a little closer.

Alex walked through the door very carefully and saw with a great relief that the living room was empty.She went up the second floor to go to her room when she saw the lights on inside Lana's bedroom.She got closer and saw her walking nervously up and down the room talking on the phone.

-You know she's not a kid anymore!She can protect herself!,Lana yelled obviously irritated.-You don't get to tell me what to do!,she yelled even louder and after a small pause she hang up the phone and threw it on the bed.

-What is going on?,Alex asked worried and came inside.

-Your uncle.He knows,Lana answered and sat tired in the corner of the bed.Alex turned pale.,she wondered.She didn't know how to react.-Isis...,she answered her own question right away.She was certain.

-Exactly.I told him it's not true but he was very angry.He was screaming.He wants you to go and live with him so you can be safe.

Lana managed to cover her granddaughter for a while,but even the thought of her leaving alone in an empty house without her,seemed terrifing.It filled her with sadness.

-Never!That's not happening!I don't care even one bit if he knows,he doesn't have the right to do this to us!,Alex answered furious.

How dare he get involved in her life that way and upset Lana because of her?She sat beside her.

-I'm not going anywhere,she told her and hugged her tightly.

-Be very careful,I'm begging you!,her grandma said.It was impossible for her to tame her fears about Brandon.

-Brandon would never hurt me.I know now.I'm sure!,she tried to calm her down.

-Not on purpose!But werewolves can't restrain their rage.It's almost impossible not to transform the minute the process begins and you didn't have time to test your powers.

-Trust me,Alex said with a smile that made Lana forget everything,so she smiled too.

-You know I do...I'm just scared for you...I've never seen you like this and I don't want you to get hurt.

-You can't protect me from everyone grandma,you know that.

-No,but I can turn them into worms if they hurt you,she answered knowingly and they laughed.

Late at night,Alex went to her room.She was trying in vain to take her mind off the attic of the old toy store.She kept remembering again and again everything that happened,to make sure they were real and not a dream.

In the silence of the room,she heard knocks at the window's glass.She approached hesitantly,filled with curiosity,and saw Brandon on the tree,hidden behind some branches,so that no one else would see him,except for her.She opened quickly the window and let him in.She was feeling a tickle all over her body.

-What are you doing here,she whispered,not able to hide her joy.

-I came here to make sure you didn't have any troubles with your grandma...for coming home late.

-Fortunately,no,even though I can't convince her not to worry,she answered.

-I'm worried too.Every time I'm close to you,every time I touch you,I think about it.If I hurt you one day,I swear to you I...

-Stop.I don't care.

-But I do.You don't know what I'm capable of...If you knew,perhaps I wouldn't be here right now.,he answered seriously.

All he could think of,was that he couldn't bare to live if something happened to her because of him.His green eyes had turned almost black.He decided to leave but Alex stood in front of the window to stop him.

-Αs much as you try to convince me,I know that we'll never give up on each other.You can't escape from what you feel.You said that,she reminded him.

He could still feel her lips on his.How crazy it was what they were doing!He gave her one more kiss for goodnight and then he disappeared in the dark alleys of the town,which was sleeping calmly under the veil of night.Alex never thought she would feel such strong emotions in her life.

Everything was so beautiful...But for how long?Until when would she avoid her uncle?The consequences of her actions and choices?She had to be prepared for everything.

She knew deep inside that this was just the beginning.The difficulties were ahead of them and she would have to face things she hadn't even imagined,learn things she never expected,and would probably hurt her,and also confront her own self.Was she ready?Or perhaps you can't really be ready for something like this?No one is.You just take a deep breath,dive,and pray to come out alive.

~Τo be continued~

End of Chapter 4!!Thank you so much for reading!! <3

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