Chapter 6-Everything brought to light (part 5)

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-You!,she yelled.

She was certain the minute she saw the man's figure,but when he came closer there was no room for doubt.The butterflies inside her stomach were also another proof.At first it seemed to her like an illusion.It was Brandon.

-All these days!All these days and not a single word!You left me here alone not knowing if you're ok!You idiot!,
she was yelling and pushed him away punching him in the chest.-I don't know what to do!
Our families hate each other and I don't know why,your people want to kick me out of the town,if not kill me,my uncle is preparing an attack as if we're in the Middle Ages,I found out that I'm a witch overnight and live in there and let's not forget that I'm in love with a werewolf,and you couldn't send a simple "Hi"?,she kept on screaming,lashing out all that anger that was drowning her all this time.

He was looking at her placid,thinking how sweet she was even when she was getting angry.

-Are you done?,he asked her calmly.

-No!,she answered stubbornly,but before she managed to say anything more,he grabbed her into his arms and kissed her.He had missed her so much!

He was able to keep watching over her the first few days,but his father's sidekicks wouldn't let him go anywhere alone.Today,after a lot of effort,and a few sleeping pills,he managed to get away.

-You shouldn't have come.It's too dangerous,she said,since she calmed down after a few minutes inside his embace,though she was very happy to see him.Even that way.

-I couldn't stay one more minute away from you,he said to her,filled with calmness and consumed by her scent that he was so much in need of to feel good again.-When will you come back?, he asked her.

-I don't know...things are difficult here.I'll try to convince him to go back before schools open again,Alex told him.She sighed and hugged him even tighter.-I don't want to think anymore...

-Then don't...I'm here,with you...Let's go walk,he suggested with a big smile in his face and so they took a walk in the forest.Darkness,their silent ally,was protecting them.-I wish I could make you feel better,he said.

-You do.Just being here close to me is enough,she answered,scolding silently herself,for how much of a line from a soap opera that sounded.

Nevertheless,reality brought her back quickly.She let his hand,distanced herself a little and stood in front of him.He quickly understood that something was wrong. mustn't come again.We have to hold on a little longer apart,she told him.Her voice came out with difficulty.

She was distant,because she thought it would make things easier.She was forgetting something,though.From the moment their hearts became one,nothing would be easy.That moment he didn't want to listen to her words.He saw in her eyes she was hurting.I hope that doesn't seem strange to you.When you're young and you love so fiercely,every gravel looks like a mountain.The only thing you want is to be with the one you've chosen.You see nothing.You are blind to the world.

-Why?I don't understand...I know you were more than happy to see me,even though you didn't try very hard to hide it.What kind of game are you playing?,he said a bit aggresively.

-I'm not playing games...I thought you knew me a little better than that.If you can't understand,then I'm sorry...,she answered and tried to leave.

-Forgive me...,he said and stopped her.

-My cousin told me that my uncle has something in mind,besides the attack.Until I find out what that is,I don't know if you're in danger or not,she explained.She couldn't hide the truth from him.

Betrayal.Betrayal.She was feeling that word weighing her,ready to slip out of Joseph's lips.However,sometimes,you must listen only to your heart.There is no room for any stupid logic. Only the heart knows the truth.Instinct,intuition,sixth sense,people can name it by different names.In her case,Alex knew exactly what it was.Love.She was feeling that Brandon was the one in danger this time.

-I'm not afraid of anyone.You know that.Otherwise I wouldn't be here,he said decisively.He was certain of his strength.

-I know,but that doesn't mean I will stop worrying.I don't expect them to act rationally.This whole situation doesn't make any sense.We're all in danger,she answered.

-Don't keep me away...please,I can't bear it,he said and lowered his gaze.

He sounded so desperate and that made him even cuter.Like a puppy that was left outside the room.Alex couldn't help it,she smiled,touched tenderly his cheek and hugged him.Outside it was freezing,yet his body was burning.She really liked that.She loved his warmth.

-I'm not.If you have a message you can send it with someone.We better not use our cell phones for a while.I'll ask Lindia to meet that person in the forest.She'll get it and give it to me.

That idea seemed satisfying enough to him.

-I'll send Louis.He's the only one I can trust,Brandon said.

He couldn't trust anyone from the pack.Louis and Lindia were the only ones who were ready to help them.

-It won't be for long,I promise,she said to him.

After a while,Brandon turned again into a wolf and run back to town.Alex returned to the house,and very carefully went back to her room.She closed the door slowly but when she turned aroun,the lamp which was on the night stand suddenly switched on.She was scared to death.

-Quiet!You wanna get us both in trouble?,Lindia scolded her.

-What are you doing here?

-Seriously?You should be glad is not Joseph in my place!

-You scared me!,she said out of breath.

-Good!,her cousin said and stood up.

-Ι was with Brandon,Alex said in a conspirational way with a low voice.

-You don't say...that I figured out by myself...and?What did you say?

-Stuff...but the most important thing is we came up with a little plan...,she said with a sneaky smile.

-What plan?,Lindia asked her cousin with suspision.

-My sweet,beautiful,amazing cousin...,Alex said trying to coax her.

-You won't get me with these...I'm listening...,she answered.

After she explained to her what she had to do,Lindia agreed,with a small hesitation,to help them.

~To be continued~

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