Oh, Those Summer Nights. (Part 6) (Brendon Urie x Reader)

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Note: This is my first update in over two weeks wtf

"You look comfy," Tyler sniggered as he and Josh entered your room.

You were wedged between an abundance of fluffy pillows and enveloping blankets, poking your head out from the avalanche to give your friends a warm smile when you heard Tyler's comment.

"And you guys look..." you trailed off as your eyes scanned the two males in front of you from head to toe.

Their appearance was an obvious indicator of the exhaustion they'd been suffering through for the past two days – there were crinkles in their clothes from their constant agitated fidgeting, and their usually bright eyes were dim with the craving of sleep.


Josh snorted, starting to remove his hoodie and shoes. "Please. We stopped looking 'cute' after the first time we left the hotel on Wednesday."

"Speak for yourself," Tyler retorted. He was the quicker out of the two, having already freed himself from the restriction of his outside clothing, and he now joined you inside the avalanche. "I always look cute. Scoot, (Y/N)."

You reluctantly moved from your hibernation spot to create some space for Tyler. When both of you had settled, you turned to Josh – who was standing awkwardly at the foot of the bed – with an expectant look.

"You gonna join us or not?"

"Actually," Josh drawled, scratching his left shoulder as he cocked his head in the direction of the suite's living room, "I was wondering if we could talk? Just you and me."

Your heart rate increased at his request and you were certain you heard a groan of annoyance coming from Tyler, but you paid no mind to it. Instead, you nodded your head and slid out of bed before heading for the other room.

"Idiot," Tyler jobbed as he shook his head and slid further into the bed, "You're an idiot."

"Most people would be supporting their best friends in a situation like this," Josh scoffed, being sure to speak softly enough that you couldn't overhear.

"Most people also wouldn't pursue someone who is clearly not over someone else," Tyler snapped back, arching one brow, "but you do you, boo."

Josh opened his mouth with the intent of snapping back, but opted rather to turn around and exit the room in a huff. He made sure to slam the door to convey his anger, and to let Tyler know that their conversation would very well be continuing in the near future.

The force with which the drummer slammed the door shut created a resounding boom, making you jump slightly.

"Woah. Everything okay?" you checked, rubbing your hands on your thighs as you took a seat on the sofa.

"Yeah," Josh sighed while waving a dismissive hand, "He's just being Tyler."

"Ah," you nodded to show that you understood what he meant by that statement; Tyler was always pushing Josh's tolerance levels. "So," you gave him a weak smile, "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Josh exhaled heavily as he seated himself on the edge of the sofa, and you could tell from the way he was sitting that something was bothering him.

His butt was barely on the furniture – as if he were preparing to make a run for it at any moment – and the shake in his legs was a clear visualization of his anxiety.

You scooted closer to him and reached out to wrap your fingers around the inside of his elbow, gently running your fingertips over the soft skin there. Your slight movements allowed a faint waft of your perfume to flit through the air, bringing instant ease to Josh's troubled mind.

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