Hi, I'm Frankie. (Frank Iero x Reader)

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"How do we keep getting into these situations?" you huffed quietly, crouching behind a shrub to try and avoid the beam of light threatening to expose you and Frank.

"Eleven years of friendship and I still don't know," he replied, scooting closer to you.

"Yeah, well, since this is the – what, third? – time that we're hiding from the police in the last two months, I'm kind of regretting ever becoming your friend."

Frank clutched his chest and let out a gasp in mock offence. "Oh please, you practically begged me to be your friend in kindergarten."

Your head immediately snapped towards Frank as you frowned at him. "I'm not sure what parallel universe you're living in, Iero, but you're the one who's been obsessed with me from day one."

"Bitch, please," he sassed "I don't obsess over any girls. Never have and never will."

"Oh, realllly?" you raised your eyebrows at him. "Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?"

~11 years earlier~

Stepping out of the sanctuary that was your parent's car, you stood still as a statue on the sidewalk, toying with your hands nervously. Your mother knelt down in front of you so that she was level with your wide eyes. Smoothing out the creases on your clothing, she smiled at you, eyes crinkling and full of love as she did so.

"Okay, sweetie, are you ready for your first day of kindergarten?"

You shook your head urgently, eyes becoming wide with fear once again. Your mom brought you closer to her as she planted an affectionate kiss to your forehead.

"It'll be fine, baby. I'll be back to get you before you know it."

"But-but what if I don't make any friends?" you asked as you kicked at the loose paving of the sidewalk with your foot, lip quivering.

"I'm sure you'll make tons of friends sweetie. Just remember to be friendly and kind to everyone and everything will be okay. And then when I pick you up a little later, we can go for ice cream. How does that sound?"

You nodded your head enthusiastically, your mother letting out a light laugh.

"Alright then, sweetie," she said, gathering your tiny hand in her much bigger one, "Let's go."


Standing up and brushing the excess sand from your skirt, you took a step back and smiled to yourself, proud of the magnificent castle you had just made.

Your pride was short-lived, however, because almost as quick as lightning, it came toppling down. You mouth fell open as you saw your masterpiece crumble, the sound of a boy giggling eliciting anger in you. Balling your hands into fists, you turned towards the sound of giggling, preparing to yell at the very rude person who had knocked down your sand castle. When you looked at the green-eyed boy, he began to giggle again and before you could open your mouth to talk, he sprinted away, leather jacket flapping in the wind.

Over the course of the next few weeks, the green-eyed boy continued to do anything he could to annoy you. He would pull on your hair, spill paint over your artwork, steal your blanket during naptime, throw balls at you on the playground and anything else he could think of to bring misery to your life.

You'd made friends with most of the other kids in your class and they were all perfectly nice to you.

Except this boy.

Eventually, you'd had enough of the bullying and proceeded to tell your mom about the "boy with the green eyes who wouldn't stop being mean" (you never bothered to learn his name. You thought you'd heard one of his friends calling him 'Frank', but you weren't sure.) Your mom spoke to the teacher about it and everything was fine for the next few days.

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