Challenge Accepted. (Mikey Way x Reader)

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"That was awful."


"I think I just cried all of the moisture out of my body."

"Why would people even come up with such sadness?"

"It wasn't that bad."

The four of you snapped your heads toward Mikey with looks that screamed 'do you even have a heart' while he just looked back in confusion.

"What?" he quizzed. "I've seen worse."

Frank climbed into Mikey's lap and began stroking his hair. "Who hurt you?" he whispered.

Mikey clicked his tongue and pushed Frank away as the rest of you snickered.

"But seriously," you moved to face him. "How did you not cry?" you asked in amazement.

Mikey shrugged. "I'm just not that emotional of a person."

"Maybe not, but you're definitely emo, haha!" Ray spoke.

The four of you were dead silent as you just stared at him as he continued grinning widely.

"I'll go home," he said, moving to grab a beer.

"I don't cry," Mikey continued.

"Bullshit," you snorted. "Everyone cries."

"Not the emotionless one over there," Gerard cocked his head in his little brother's direction. "Even when we were kids; I don't think I ever saw him cry more than once."

"I'll get you to cry."

"Good luck. There's nothing you can do to get me to cry, (Y/N)."

"Challenge accepted."


"Oooo, that looks good," you said, licking your lips at the noodle dish the boys were eating.

"Mikey made it," Ray smiled, jabbing a fork in the younger boy's direction.

"Wow, then I definitely need to try some," you laughed. Mikey didn't cook very often, but when he did, everyone knew that it was something you couldn't miss out on.

"Sit down, I'll get you a plate," Gerard offered, standing up.

"Thanks, Gee," you smiled as he sat a serving of the food down in front of you.

It smelt wonderful, and you dug in immediately. It tasted amazing, and you were on cloud nine... until you felt the sudden urge to cough, and as you did, you could feel your airways start to contract as your chest tightened.

"Mikey," you croaked. "Is there nuts in this?"

You tried to take deep breaths, wanting to get as much oxygen into your body as possible, but it became increasingly harder to do so when you began breaking out in hives.

"Yeah, I used peanut oil instead of regular oil-OH SHIT!"


Minutes later, Mikey was rushing through the doors of the emergency room with you in his arms. His eyes darted around the room frantically as he yelled for help.

A couple of nurses ran up to the two of you with a gurney and Mikey placed you down gently as they worked on stabilising you. The reaction was getting worse by the second and you were fighting to get air to flow to your lungs as your body continued to swell up.

"What is she allergic to?"

"Nuts," Mikey answered quickly, running a hand through his hair in worry, his breathing getting faster too, as tears prickled at his eyes. "She's allergic to nuts. But I was an idiot and I used peanut oil in the food and-"

"Nut allergy. Possibly fatal. Can someone get doctor Banner, please?" the nurse yelled out as the three other nurses surrounding you wheeled you down the corridor and into a room as fast as they could.

Tears fell down Mikey's face as he heard the word 'fatal' and his heart rate increased tenfold. He tried to run after you but the nurse stopped him.

"I wanna be with her!" he said hoarsely, voice desperate.

"I know you do. But you'll just be in the way. Let us do our job, and I promise you'll get to see her. "


"You totally cried," you laughed, the rest of the boys joining in. "Admit it."

"I did not," Mikey hissed, shifting defensively.

"Yeah, you did," you argued, sitting more upright in the hospital bed. "You cried a lot. I should've caught your tears and saved it in a jar; I'm sure it could've been used for magic potions or some shit, ya know, since it's such a rare phenomenon."

"I didn't cry. I never cry."

"Give it up," Frank interrupted. "You were fucking terrified that (Y/N) was gonna die."

"I wasn't that scared," Mikey jeered. "I was, like, a three."

"Out of ten?" Gerard asked with a scoff. Mikey nodded.

"Hold up," you remarked with a frown, holding up a hand to silence the rest of the boys as you gazed at Mikey in disbelief. "Me dying is a three?"


"Well, then, what's a ten?!"


"Wow," Frank whistled while you just shook your head at Mikey. "Imagine how many potions we could make if we took him to a circus."

"Ha, I'd like to see you try," Mikey huffed, folding his arms.

"Challenge accepted."


Thank you for reading x

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