One forty five

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I run to the bathroom and throw up over the toilet again. It's been happening for about a week now and mommy thinks I have the flu or something. She's been keeping Weston away from me so he doesn't catch it and it sucks. I feel sucky in the morning times but about lunch time I feel better.

I look at the clock and it's 2:46 in the morning. I groan and my butt hits the floor. I pull my hair into a quick bun. I see my box of tampons sitting beside my toilet. My brows furrow as I think. I get up and go grab my phone. "6 weeks? Really?" I whisper to myself as I count. I google the target close to our house and see that it opens at 5 so I'll just slip out before anyone wakes up, grab a pregnancy test, and come back. I can't be pregnant though.

I lay awake until about 4:45. I jump up and in my pajama pants and one of Brennan's sweat shirts I throw on my converse and walk out of the apartment with my cellphone, my wallet, and my key. I walk to target and walk in as soon as they open the door. "Good morning!" A very happy pixie haired girl says to me. "Morning" I mumble and walk back to the pregnancy tests. On the way I grab a family size box of white cheddar cheese itz. I go to the counter to pay and the same pixie haired girl smiles at me. "Cravings?" She asks at my cheese itz. "Oh I'm not pregnant. There's no way. I have a 4 month old at home. I'm pretty sure it's just the flu but the thought won't leave my head" I laugh and she nods.

I get back to the apartment and I successfully made it back with out anyone realizing I was gone. I go up to my bathroom and take the pregnancy test. It's about 5:30 now so it's about 8:30 back home. I text Brennan to ask if he's at school and he informs me that school was cancelled, then immediately FaceTimes me. "I figured if you were up this early something must be going on" he says and I smile at him. "I love you" I say and he blushes. "So What is it? Is everything okay?" He asks starting to look concerned. "So you know mom has been keeping Weston away from me because she thinks I have the flu. But I only have like 2 flu symptom so I decided just to take a pregnancy test just in case" I tell him. His face goes pale. "Your pregnant?" He asks trying to confirm. "I don't know. I took it but I haven't looked yet. I still have about 30 seconds left. I'm scared Brennan. Weston is only 4 months old. He will literally have just turned a year old by the time the next baby is born and that's just really close together" I say starting to panic. "Hey, listen to me. We can do this. Obviously we have the best family in the world. They support us no matter what. And Weston's a pretty awesome 4 month old" he says. I swallow hard. "Well I'm glad you think so because we're having another one in... October" I say holding up 2 positive pregnancy tests. "Shit" he mumbles. "You'd think we would have learned!" I say and he laughs. "God. 2 kids? Are you kidding me? What I'm the world?" He says aloud and I lay my head on the counter. "Damn it Brennan! I wanted Weston to be at least 4 before I even got pregnant again" I tell him. "I'm sorry gorgeous. But we can do this. I mean, we don't really have a choice" he says with a slight laugh. I pick my head up off the counter and I have tears streaming down my face. He try's to calm me down and I tell him I'm just going to bed and I turn my phone off.

I sneak downstairs and I see my mom laying in bed with the bassinet beside her bed with Weston in it. I climb in next to her. "Teagan what are you doing?" She asks. "I just need mommy cuddles" I say and she smiles with her eyes still closed. She holds me close and pets my hair like she did every night a couple years ago after Caleb passed.

When I wake up I'm in bed by myself. I come outside if mommy's room and I see Weston sitting on the couch with Hayley holding him and they are watching bubble guppies. "Good morning baby boy" I say crouching down in front of him. He smiles and I laugh and kiss his cheek. "Teagan!" I hear mommy call from the girls room. "Ma'am?" I ask. "What are you wearing to the show?" She asks while looking through the girls closet to find them something. We're going home tomorrow one because we wanna go home and two because the next rock your hair show is in DC and that's close to where we live. "I'm putting everything in one suitcase but I was thinking you could put Westies things in his diaper bag" she says and I nod. "I'll go find something for myself" I say and go back up to my room. I sigh when I see the positive pregnancy tests. I go to my closet and find something to wear.

A little while later Hayden comes over and I sit on the couch watching him and Annie play fortnite while Weston sits in my lap. "Do you want a brother or sister?" I whisper to him and obviously he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I sigh and kiss his forehead. Mommy comes and sits next to me. "Your pregnant" she whispers in my ear. I look st her and tear slides down my cheek. She pats my leg.

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