twenty five

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I hardly get any sleep last night. I tried to facetime Brennan but Ryan answered and told me he was asleep already. When its time to get up to get Annie to set for her not so secret project I was awake before mommy. "I need to go get something from downstairs, come with me" She says. "So I know somethings up, whats wrong?" She asks. I look up at her and tears stream down my face. "Teagan honey what is it?" She asks wiping my tears away. "I...I... I'm pregnant" I say and burst out in tears. Her mouth hangs open and she sits back against the couch. "Whats wrong?" Daddy asks coming dowstairs. Mommy tells him and he looks at me and shakes his head. "I had just talked about trusting you and Brennan. You probably wont ever see him again" He says and walks upstairs. Paige comes down. "Oh... she told you?" She asks mommy. "You knew?" Mommy asks lookin up at Paige. "Well I thought that might be what it was and so i bought her a test at the airport and she took it at like 2 this morning" Paige explains. "I'm not mad. I didnt expect it, but im not mad. I'll talk to Daddy and get him to calm down and dont tell the girls until we get you to a doctor" Mommy says looking at me with a slight smile. I get up and hug her and she hugs me tight. 

We ride to the set and its literally 100 degrees inside the set. Paige, Daddy, and Hayley are surprising mommy by decorating our new LA apartment so they leave but Mommy tells me its probably best to stay awa from daddy right now. I see Jimmy sitting by himself off to the side so I walk over to him. "Hey almost birthday boy!" I say and sit down. He looks up from his phone and smiles big. "Hey T" He says and we talk about random things. "I have a secret. I found out last night and only Mommy, Daddy, and Paige know but I really want to tell you. Promise you wont tell anyone else?" I say and he nods. "Your secret is safe with me" He smiles. "I'm pregnant" I say and his jaw drops. "What? How? Actually no i know how but when?" He questions. "The night of his 17th birthday, or the night of mine" I say. "So... 3 months?" He asks and looks at my stomach. I nod and you cant really tell a difference. "We arent telling anyone else until we find out more but who knows when that will be. We are going to toronto on wednesday and I dont know how long we are staying and Daddy wont talk to me and Mommy is busy with Annie" I say and watch Annie learning a dance. "well im not doing anything today and I can take you" Jimmy offers. "What if they need you?" I ask and he shakes his head and stands up. He extends a hand and helps me up. I run and find Mommy and tell her where I'm going and she agrees to let Jimmy take me. 

When we get to the doctor he asks me a bunch of questions that I dont know the answers too. "I just havent been feeling well so I took a test and it said postitive" I say and he nods. "Okay well we are gonna take some blood and we can run tests from that and tell you everything you need to know" He says. I get nauseous at needles so Jimmy hold my hand while they take my blood. When the doctor comes in he smiles at me. "Well you are almost 4 months pregnant meaning you have 5 months to go, and everything is perfect. I have the gender here, would you lke to know?" He asks. I think. "Can you just write it down on a piece of paper please?" I ask and he nods. He puts it in an envelope and Jimmy holds it for me. "You need to start taking pre natal vitamins" He says as we are walking out. Jimmy takes me to the bakery and we get a bunch of cupcakes with the gender on the inside but I still dont know. I text mom to see where they are and she texts back saying everyone is in Malibu at the Rock your hair house hold. I facetime Brennan. "hey babe whats up?" He asks with a huge smile when he answers. "I'm here with Jimmy and I have some news" I say and worry about how he will react. "I didnt want to tell you this over facetime but I cant keep it a secret. Im 4 months pregnant" I say and look away. He laughs. "Your jokes are so funny teagan" He says and I stare at him. "your not joking are you?" He asks and I shake my head. "I just got back from the doctor and I have about 5 months left. Mommy and Paige are kinda excited actually, the girls dont know, and daddy.... isnt happy at all. But mommy said she would deal with him. Jimmy knows, he took me to the doctor. Ummm, oh I have the gender on the inside of these cupcakes" I say and his eyes go wide. "this is all happening so fast, like way fast. We didnt plan for this to happen but obviously God did. Im very excited" He says with a smile. "what about your parents?" I ask and he calls them in the room. They reacted like my parents. I told Brennan I would facetime him when I give everyone a cupcake to find out what the gender is and he can put us on the tv so we can tell Katie and Ryan too. When we are about to pull into the rock your hair house Mr.Mike calls me. "Hey Teagan, I just wanted to let you know we are gonna support you and the baby and Brennan as much as possible" He says. "Thank you Mr.Mike that means alot. We are about to find out what the gender is so im gonna face time Brennan and hes gonna put me on the tv" I say "Okay girl, love you" He says and I tell him I love him too. Jimmy uses my phone to Facetime Brennan and we can see his whole family. "Why are yall doing this?" Katie asks and MRs.Jill tells her to hush. I carry the cupcakes inside and everyone rushs over. "Hang on before anyone has a cupcake I have something to say. We have Brennan and his family on facetime and we have all of you, our closest friends here and in these cupcakes is something very important. I am 4 months pregnant" I announce and I hear Katie and Ryan scream and so does Annie, Hayley, Hayden, Rush, and Brooke. The adults mouths just drop. "In these cupcakes are the gender of the baby" I say and everyone gets one. We bite into them at the same time. I scream when I look down and see the color. I show the camera and the Donnellys scream. Everyone screams and I yell. "It's a..." 

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