Chapter one twenty

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"Westies first road trip!" I say when mommy turns on the camera. "Yeah! Today we are driving 2 hours to get our iPhone X's. We have all of our girls, West, and Brennan is coming" mommy says and films us. Brennan is going upstairs to put my laptop in my backpack and bring it to me and I'm bent over putting Weston in his car seat.

When we get in the car we put Weston behind Annie's seat and I sit in the middle between the car seat and Brennan. "I'm already ready for a nap" I say snuggling against him. "Weston was up all night last night" he yawns. "I heard him a few times" Annie says. "Sorry he woke you up. He didn't mean too" I say and smile at her. Thankfully we are leaving right when it's time for him to take his longest nap of the day. I get out my laptop and start doing school.

"We are almost there but we are stopping and letting the Tesla charge and OH I SEE STARBUCKS" mommy says loudly and Weston jumps at the sound of her voice and starts crying. "Awe bless I'm so sorry. I'll take him since it was my fault" she says. I get him out of his car seat and walk between the girls seats and put him in mommies arms. "Here" she says and hands me the camera and I pass it off to Hayley. Hay films while we walk over to Starbucks and gets coffee and snacks. "I'm so excited to get a new phone" I say when we get in Starbucks. "Yeah I didn't really clarify earlier. We have some phones preordered but they would only let us preorder 2 so that left 3 of us without one and Annie's birthday is December 5th and Teagans is December 14th so we are getting 3 phones, I'm getting one, and they other 2 are for their birthdays" Mommy explains the the camera.

When we get to the mall where the Apple Store is we quickly put Weston's stroller up and get him in it because the pick up time only lasts another 10 minutes. We quickly go in and pick up our phones. "Here girls pick out a case" Daddy tells us. I got a rose gold iPhone so I got a rose gold solid glitter case to match it. We eat at the mall and then head home.

"So we just got home, Brennan went home, and I'm setting up my new iPhone and Weston is asleep on the bed. He didn't want to sleep in his crib so I brought him over here and laid him down and I was just gonna let him chill but he fell asleep so" I say filming him. I get my phone set up and then decide that I need to make a video. I sit down and start the camera. "Hey everybody it's Teagan here and welcome back to my channel. It's been awhile, too long really. Sorry if I'm talking kinda quiet and that I'm sitting on my bed today. I have the camera on a tripod at the end but Weston is asleep right here and I don't like to leave him on the bed unsupervised. This is kinda just a life update. I'm gonna do better about keeping y'all up to date and posting more. Life was just really complicated and difficult there for a moment after West was born" I start. I explain everything that's been going on about me and Brennan and everything really. When I'm done I wrap it up and transfer Weston to his own bed so I can lay down and watch hallmark Christmas movies.

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