Chapter sixty three

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When I woke up this morning I heard people downstairs. I remembered the Savvy crew were filming at our house today so I put on some presentable clothes and go to say hi to everyone. "Teagan!" Spencer yells and hug me. "Your baby bump is so big!" She says. "I missed you Spence" I laugh and hug her again. Mom explains to Spencer and her mom what's been going on with me and that I have to not do too much.

Once they start filming mommy comes up to my room. "Do you want me to help you pack?" She asks looking at my empty suitcase. "Yes please" I say. "Go hand me what you want to take and I'll fold it and pack it" she says sitting on the floor by my suitcase. I go to my close and toss her skinny jeans, tshirts, dressy shirts, dresses, shoes, comfy clothes, and a few other things. "Should I take my hospital bag just in case?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah that's a really good idea" she tells me and continues to pack for me. I sit on the bed beside where's she's sitting and we talk about how painful labor is.

After mommy packs for me we go take Annie, Spencer, and Spencer's mom to chic-fil-a for lunch because they don't have them in Canada. After lunch we have to get the girls back to finish filming. When we get back I wait for Brennan to get out of school so we can hang out before we leave tomorrow. I think we have a really early flight too so this is the last time I'll see him until we get back.

Finally the doorbell rings and I go to the door and let Brennan in. "I brought your family chipotle" He says holding up a huge bag. "This is why my mom likes you more than me"I laugh and kiss him. "Mommy! Brennan has a surprise for you!" I say and she comes to the kitchen where we are standing. "Oh Brennan! You are the sweetest! Thank you so much!" Mommy says and hug him. "I'm pretty positive I got every ones order right" Brennan says and starts taking stuff out of the bag. "Oh and I got chips and salsa and guacamole" He says. "Marry him" Mommy says looking at me. "I intend too" I say looking at him and smiling. We sit down at the table and eat with my whole family. Brennan and Daddy talk about football, which Brennan makes me watch all of the time. 

"Are you excited about the concert?" I ask Annie and she nods. "I'm really glad that you get to come. I like it when both of my sisters are there" she tells me and I nod. "I like being there" I say. We continue to talk about the concert and LA. Once dinner is done Brennan and I go up to my room and he works on homework while I work on some school. After we do that Brennan hangs out while I film some videos to upload while we are away. Brennan and I cuddle while watching a movie and then his mom texts him to come home. I walk him out and then go back to my room and edit. 

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