Chapter eighty one

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Waking up in a hotel felt weird because I was used to being in the apartment by now. I got up and pulled on some skinny jeans and a white and red striped tank top with my van high tops. I brush through my hair and we go find Brooke and Nichole so Annie can get hair and makeup done because she's filming some chicken girls season 2 today before the concert. "What are you wearing to the concert?" Mommy asks me as Annie gets done. One of the hair people were straightening my hair because she didn't have anything to do. "Umm I don't know. A dress for sure because these skinny jeans are so uncomfortable" I say making a face. "I told you to bring a dress to wear" she says. "I know but I didn't think about it" I say sadly and text Brennan.

A couple hours later Paige was doing everyone's Annie's hair and makeup for the concert. After she got both of the girls hair and makeup done she curled my hair and does my makeup. I'm not gonna be on stage but it's mainly for picture purposes and everyone likes to look cute at concerts. I put on a baby blue tshirt dress and a long necklace with a tassel charm on the end and some brown ankle booties with tassels on the side. My hair was curled and Paige had waterfall braided my bangs back.

I actually went out on the little carpet thing and was apart of the meet and greet because I am a signed Rock your Hair model just like my sister. After the first meet and greet they did some interviews and then there was a second meet and greet with a carpet. I met some more people and took some pictures. I was thankful that Paige had touched up my hair and makeup so I didn't look disgusting in those pictures that I would definitely be tagged in on Instagram later. Most of my time was spent hanging out with max and Harvey, Christian, Jayden, and a couple other people. I'm standing off stage watching people sing when I feel someone behind me. I knew who it was because I had been expecting him all day long. I lean against him and he whispers in my ear. "You look beautiful Tilly" he says. "Thank you Hunter" I say and sigh in relief as he holds me up some of the way so that my feet don't hurt. I have been in so much pain all day long but I can't ruin Annie and Hayley's day by going to the doctor. I will wait until after to say something.

The concert was amazing. I had successfully ignored my pains through the whole thing and we were now getting ready to leave. "Mommy I think I'm in labor" I say and she looks at me wide eyed. "Wait, you've been in active labor for awhile" she says and I nod. "I know but I think he's coming" I say and she goes into mommy mode. She finds daddy and tells him we are going to the hospital and to stay here with the girls. "Call me as soon as you know something" dad says kissing us both on the cheek. We get in our car and speed drive to the hospital. When we get there my doctor is in the waiting room with a wheel chair waiting for me since I called her in the car. "Nice to see you Miss.LeBlanc" she smiles as I sit down. "How was the concert? Did you make it though the whole thing?" She asks and I laugh as I nod. Mommy looks at us confused as we walk back to my room. "When I met Teagan she told me there was a concert on Friday night and she couldn't miss it. She had to be there" she says. "I told her I hope she makes it and she did. Just in time" she says helping me onto the bed. "I'm gonna need you to put this on. And then I will come back in about 20 minutes and check you" she says handing me a hospital gown. I go to the bathroom and change. When I come back out I sit down and call Brennan. "Hello?" He answers, his voice sounds sleepy. "I think we are having a baby soon" I say and he all the sudden sounds more awake. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I mean I just got to the hospital and changed into my gown and in a private room and the doctor is on her way back in to check me" I say and the door opens and Dr.Harlow peeks her head back in. "Dr.Harlow is here. Im handing the phone to mom" I say and hand it to her. Dr.Harlow gets out the machine thingy and checks on the baby. "Everything sounds and looks perfect" she says and then ties 2 band things around my tummy. "These are monitors" she informs me. "I'm just gonna check you.....oh your a good 5 and a 1/2. We will have a baby by tomorrow afternoon" she smiles and I thank her and grab my phone from mom. "Brennan, you and your family better get your butt to the airport right now! You are not missing this baby being born" I say and he laughs on the other end. "I'm on it babe. Keep me updated" he says. "I love you" I say. "Not as much as I love you" he tells me and we hang up. "I'm gonna be a mom" I say looking at my mom. She looks up from her phone and nods. "Crazy. Time flies baby girl" she says. She calls daddy and updates him. About an hour later I have Hunter sitting in a chair beside my bed with me and Daddy, mommy, Nonnie, and Paige are all sitting on the couch while Hayley, Hayden, and Annie are sitting in the floor with blankets and stuff. The nurse told me that usually they don't let so many people in the room but since I was so young and I explained to her that the babies Dad might not make it here in time to see the baby be born she let my family stay with me. She also figured that since i have been in active labor for like a month or so she said we could be here for awhile and didn't want to make people wait in the waiting room. "I'm so glad that I was already here" Nonnie says and I smile. "I'm gonna step out and call Aiden and tell him I'm gonna be gone for a couple more days" she says and I nod. She kisses my forehead before she walks out.

Hunter eventually took Hayden home and said that they would come back later because I'm not progressing right now. I kiss both of their cheeks before they leave and then Annie comes and sits in the chair that hunter was in. I fall asleep, but it didn't last long.

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