Chapter sixty six

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I stayed up all night worrying about the whole Hunter or Brennan situation. I finally fell asleep around 4:30 and then get up at 6. I get up and made mini pancakes and fruit for everyone. Once we get up and eat breakfast we start doing school. After school we get ready to go to the rock your hair and chicken girls photo shoot. Hunter texted me and asked me if I was gonna be there and I texted back a yes and he told me he is gonna be there too. We head to the same place where the little do you know video was shot for our photoshoot. I'm not actually taking and pictures, or so I thought, but when I get there Hunter informed me we were gonna take a couple best friend pictures just for funs.

When Hayden gets here he runs over and hugs Annie and then hugs me. "Awe wittle Hayden! I wove my wittle Hayden" I say and Jimmy and Hunter pout. "I wove all my Summerall boys" I say and they smile big.  Everyone takes a ton of pictures and then Mr.Jimmy, Mommy, Hayley, Hayden, Annie, Hunter and I go to get dinner. The place didn't have any tables open so Mr.Jimmy left his number and they said they would text us when our table was ready. So in the meantime we go to petsmart and look at the kitties and some of the other animals.

We go to dinner and hang out with the Summerall's and then go home. I still can barely sleep thinking about everything. I sit up at about 2 in the morning and call Brennan. "Are you in labor? Is everything okay babe?" He asks. "Yeah I'm sorry. It's late isn't it?" I ask. "Umm yeah it's 5 here. My alarm actually just went off to get ready for school" he says. "Isn't it like 2 there? Why are you awake?" He asks. "Because I can't sleep. Why don't you know my breakfast order?!" I ask and he questions me. "Yesterday I was talking to hunter and he told me he loved me. He knew exactly what I order for breakfast every time I go out for breakfast and you don't know. I've know you for years and I've knows him for only a couple of months" I say. "Egg white omelette with spinach, muchrooms, and tomatoes. A bagel with strawberry cream cheese, raspberry if it's available. You also get caramel frappachino's but you can't have coffee right now so you drink orange juice, sometimes apple juice. If you aren't feeling that you get oatmeal with fruit and brown sugar and honey. Sometimes you get French toast but only if you are in the cafe down town" Brennan says. I smile to myself and tears fall down my face. "You do love me" I say. "Of course I love you. Please don't leave me for Hunter" he says. "I could never babe. I think I can finally sleep now. Goodnight babe" I say and he tells me goodnight and I finally fall asleep.

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