"I might have to feed Addison quickly when we get to Liam's because she took to that soother like it was the first thing she's eaten in a week." I mentioned to Harry. He nodded his head and drove the rest of the way to the house we previously lived in.

My phone managed to fall out of my pocket when I transitioned from the front to the back and I prayed the screen was still intact when I turned it over. Luckily, it was but it was a new phone so Harry wold have killed me if I damaged this one. I had a bad history with cell phones but in my defense, the last one I owned, Addison managed to grab a hold of it when I picked her up off the tile floor in Harry and I's bathroom. It slipped out of her hand and it smashed into a million pieces on the floor.

I walked around and pulled Addison out of her carrier, deciding to leave it in the car. Harry knocked on the door. This was a re occurrence with Liam because he always had the worst timing for things. Countless times we've shown up and knocked on the door and would have to let ourselves in with the keys we still had because he was just getting out of the shower when we arrived.

"You might as well just use your key because he didn't reply back to my text from earlier when I told him we were leaving the house." I mentioned. Harry dug the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He moved aside to let me enter the house because he had to stop and pick up the diaper bag he needed to set down to unlock the door.

"Liam, were here! We knocked but you didn't answer so we let ourselves in, hope that's okay." I shouted out because I wasn't sure where he was in the house. I made my way to the living room where we intended to set up the play pen so Liam didn't have to. I turned on lights as I walked through the rooms because for some reason Liam had them all turned off. As soon as I entered the living room, I froze for a fraction of a second while my mind processed that I was actually seeing- a truly terrifying scene before me.

"Liam!?" I gasped, automatically running to him once my mind made the connection to move my feet forward. He looked as if he was only a few seconds away from becoming unconscious. He barely sat upright on the couch with his eyes fighting to stay open.

I screamed for Harry at the top of my lungs. He needed to get in her right now because it was at the point when I was truly fearing for Liam. "Harry! Come here, its Liam!" 

Within seconds, Harry came rushing to where we were, his eyes wide and filled with horror. He ran past me and straight to Liam's side. The sound of my voice when I screamed for him was something I had never heard myself produce before.

"When I brought Addison in here, I found him sitting on the couch like this, I-I didn't know what to do!"

"You did absolutely nothing wrong here. Now I need you to breath and focus on Addison for me. Can you do that for me, baby?" He asked. His voiced remained calm. I nodded my head, completely terrified with what was currently going on.

"Liam, Liam, can you hear me?" Harry shook Liam vigorously. Muffled sounds came out of his mouth but none of them formed actual words. I was slightly bopping up and down with Addison in my arms, my left arm under her bum and using my other hand to hold the side of her head towards my lips. I hummed quietly to try and calm the both of us down but at this point I think I was more of a wreck then she was.

"Baby I'm going to need you to phone an ambulance. He's completely burning up with a fever and he's barely conscious. I'm not taking any chances and I think there's something seriously wrong going on."

This time it took less than two seconds for me to follow Harry's instructions. I placed Addison on the floor where she would be safe to lay there and quickly brought out my phone. My fingers were shaky as I dialed the 3 numbers to get ahold of an emergency operator.

Breaking Point (Sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora