XXXI: Training

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"I thought I was the disadvantage. The weak link." I was shocked that Lord Sesshomaru now saw me as an advantage over Lord Tatsuo.

"You have a unique spiritual ability." He said.

I smiled up at him, realizing what he was proposing.

"You want me to be the Kagome to your Inuyasha!" I exclaimed in excitement.

His eyes narrowed into slits at the mention of Inuyasha's name.

"No. Kagome was a mere distraction to Inuyasha. A weak link.

I can sense your spiritual energy inside you."

He closed the distance between us at this moment. I felt my heart pound quicker against my chest as I kept my gaze steady with his.

"It's immense. Your power. I can feel it. From here." His hand rested on stomach. My heart at this point was racing at a thousand beats under his touch.

"It just hasn't been accessed to its full potential yet." He said, a hint of disappointment in his tone. He pulled his hand away, and I released the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in.

"Then help me. I've had some training from Lady Kaede and Kagome. But I've only used my spiritual powers for healing and defense.

Teach me how to fight. I want to use my powers not just for defense, but for attacking." I said with determination. I didn't want to be helpless in the situation we were about to get ourselves into. I mean yes, I could heal and do minor defense abilities, but it wasn't enough.

Lord Sesshomaru studied me with his solemn gaze for a few more moments, before turning on his heel and walking away.

I stood there and blinked as I watched is retreating form.

What just happened?

But my eyes widened when he drew out Bakusaiga.

"You can physically manifest your powers, but that requires excessive training. Which you nor I don't have time for." He turned around, standing a few hundred feet in front of me.

I flashed him an excited smile, as I felt the adrenaline start to rush through me.

"Which is why you need a weapon to manifest your abilities through. But since your bow is not here.." he pointed Bakusaiga at me. Anxiety replaced the excitement I was feeling when he pointed his blade at me, as I readied myself in a defense position.

He really wasn't going to send Bakusaiga at me, right?

Not right.

With a swift swing of the blade, a massive burst of lightning shot at me.

My eyes widened as I saw my life flash before my eyes. I held my hands in front of me in a panic last minute. I felt the power flow through my hands as I formed a light golden protective barrier in front of me.

The force of Bakusaiga pushed me back when I successfully blocked the attack, the lightning just passing around me, my hair whipping back as I squinted my eyes through the bright light it gave off. The amount of force from Bakusaiga was immense which frightened me a little bit, even though I knew Lord Sesshomaru didn't put in his full power into that one attack.

When the lightning cleared I gasped as Lord Sesshomaru appeared in front of me, his poison claws extended as he lunged to attack. There was almost a playful glint in his eyes as he closed the distance between us.

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