II: The Good Old Days

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Kohaku and I had spent an hour reminiscing over the things we both had missed out on the past few months.

He had become the best known demon slayer five years ago, and had been scavenging the world to protect villages from suffering at the wrath of demons.

These past few months he had been called to carry out his most dangerous solo mission; to protect a Lord and his village from his demonic enemies. The surrounding villages had been inflicted by a demonic plague that caused them all to turn on this high Lord. 

Kohaku had described how he was poisoned, but the Lord's "beautiful yet sad daughter with a bad haircut" (as he had described her) saved him. Turns out, it was the daughter that was the mastermind. And Kohaku said he had been dating her for a few months only to find out that it was really her to blame.

If Kohaku seemed affected by the fact that he had to kill her himself, he definitely didn't show it. 

And after he finished that mission, he went back to the abandoned village of the demon slayers and rested there for a few days.

From there, he decided to come here and visit. 

He handed me a dumpling as I stuffed it in my mouth. We were outside of Sango's house relaxing against Kirara, who was taking a nap.

"Thank you for this, Kohaku." I said after I finished the delicious meat filled dumpling.

"You don't have to thank me. You deserved it." He smiled.

"But still. I really needed this, and you happened to show up at the perfect time." I said, feeling my mood suddenly drop as a certain someone's face crossed my mind.

That was my new record. I hadn't thought about Lord Sesshomaru for almost two hours.

"Say, Rin. Has.. Has Lord Sesshomaru stopped by yet?" Kohaku asked, hesitant. I knew he missed him too, and Kohaku hadn't seen him longer than me, with being a full time demon slayer and all.

"No. Not since two years ago."

Kohaku sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"It's fine. Let's just talk about something else."

"Say... How's A-un been?" 

"A-un.. he's been trying to cheer me up ever since Lord Sesshomaru left. But a few months ago his mood finally changed, and he just.. he hasn't been the same. He's been in the stables ever since, refusing to get out and fly with me." Just looking at the state A-un was in made me feel guilty for putting him in his depressed state. I took no comfort in knowing A-un felt the same I did.

"That's horrible..." Kohaku said quietly.

I know. Just what the hell was Lord Sesshomaru thinking?

"I know you've probably heard this before. But Lord Sesshomaru will come back. He always has." Kohaku assured me.

"I know. Thanks, Kohaku."

"But hey now... Enough with this sad topic. Say, you wanna go catch some fish in the stream? We could try and being A-un along."

I grinned.

"Just like the good old days?"

Kohaku looked confused at first, before his eyes widened in realization. "Oh, you did this with Lord Sesshomaru!"

"Yup!" I nodded, jumping up on my feet and offering Kohaku my hand.

"Let's go!"


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