XXX: Fate

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I was running. I didn't know what from, but all I could feel was my adrenaline pushing me to run as if my life depended on it.

Deep throaty growls sounded from behind me as forced myself to run harder, weaving through the trees while trying to not trip on the roots and stones that covered the forest ground. It was hard not to do so since the darkness of the night took away some of the visibility.

I gasped when I felt something whip around my neck, yanking back. I felt blood trickle from the neck wound as I hit the back of my head against a rock.

Black wolves surrounded me, their similarity to those that had killed me horrifying.

I screamed as one clamped down on my arm.

I kicked one of the wolves in the face, focusing my spiritual energy around me.

The wolves yelped when they tried to get through my barrier, the touch of it burning them.

I clutched at my bleeding arm, glaring at each and everyone one of them as I backed away slowly.

I turned to flee, but the scenery changed to a vast, open field. The wolves were gone, the night turned to day. The tall grass swayed in the cool breeze, my arm no longer bleeding, my head ceasing it's painful throbbing.

In the distance, a couple hundred feet in front of me, was a cloaked figure in red. The red color of this cloak reminded me of Inuyasha, since he still always wore that red kimono of his.

I tried to call out to the figure, only to realize that nothing came out. I tried again, but it was as if my voice had been taken from me.

I approached the figure, the feeling of calmness that had resided in me now shifting to panic and anxiety the closer I approached the figure.

When I was finally just inches behind it, it still didn't bother to turn around and acknowledge my silent presence. So I slowly lifted my hand up, placing it gently on this figure's arm as I felt my heart trying to leap out of my chest from how nervous I was.

But when the figure turned around, I was surprised to see my own face.

Her brown eyes twinkled in the light as she looked down at me. Zero emotion shone in her eyes as she unraveled the cloak slowly.

I moved my gaze down to what she was unraveling in her hands, gasping when I saw the saber of the three worlds in her hand.

What frightened me even more was that there was blood on it.

And it wasn't my- I mean her- blood.

"What have you done?" I asked myself.

Myself wore a pure black kimono under the crimson robe, so I wasn't ready for what she was about to show me next.

This Rin pealed back a section of the kimono on her chest, revealing a deep wound that oozed a dark red blood.

My hand flew to my mouth as I backed away slowly.

"If you continue the path you're on, you will end up like this." She said. When I met her eyes, they had changed to the darkest shade of black I had ever laid eyes upon.

Fate's Desire [Sesshomaru x Rin]Where stories live. Discover now