XVI: Torture

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I was greeted with familiar wide, brown eyes looking down at me when I woke up.

It was the servant that had treated my injuries.

I tried to sit up, only to found myself bound against a large stone. My wrists and ankles were in cuffs, keeping me pinned down against the stone. I grunted as I pulled at the shackles, which was not doing my recent injuries any favors.

"Wait!" I shouted as the servant started to walk away. She was rushing to the far right side of the room, where a solid wooden door stood as she froze in her path at the sound of my voice.

"Please. Let me go." I said softly to not frighten her.

She was so frail, so small. She looked barely fifteen, and she was already under someone's control. And scars.. very visible scars that I had not noticed before were peaking out from her neck.

She turned her head slowly to look down at me with her anxiety filled eyes.

"Please." I begged her.

She stood there for a few more moments, watching me intently. She took a hesitant step towards me.

And then the door flew open, revealing the Lord of the Castle. Startled, the girl took a few steps back.

His long brown hair cascade down his face in tangles, his eyes an even more chaotic blue than when I first saw him.

But what frightened me was that there was blood on him. A lot of it.

"Don't worry, my dear. None of this blood is Lord Sesshomaru's." He said, aware that I was looking at his blood stained white hakamas and gray haori.

"You're dismissed." He said to the girl with a flick of his wrist, ignoring her presence.

When she rushed out of the room, the Lord had begun to remove his haori, never removing his eyes from mine. I tore my eyes from his, facing the other side of the stone cellar, refusing to look at his bare chest.

"Is Lord Sesshomaru alright?" I asked, wanting to delay whatever was about to happen fo me for as long as possible, even if it involved making small talk with the him.

"You worry about that demon instead of worrying about your life right now? Interesting." I cringed when his voice grew closer.

I gasped when I felt the restraints on my wrists tighten more than they already were before, to the point where I would receive bruise marks after this, depending on what this demon decided to do with me.

I knew I should be screaming in the situation I am currently in as he did the same thing to my ankles, but I had never been the kind to scream when in danger. I Ever since the murder of my parents, it was like I no longer feared what was coming after me.

"You'll regret doing this." I warned him when tightened the shackles on my ankles.

"Don't worry darling. I won't have my way with you.. yet. You see.." He started pacing around me, stopping at the foot of my head as his eyes were right above mine.

"My little toy has a dilemma. He is hungry for some blood."

My eyes widened.

"This toy of mine.. it cannot be controlled. But, its power can be appeased with the blood of a human. But the thing is.. this toy must be fed everyday. Do you understand?"

"So you plan to drain me of my blood?"

"It must connect with your flesh.. it longs for the touch of a Priestess. A woman of purity."


My mind suddenly flicked back to the girl. She had scars, on her neck. Now that I think about it, she kept herself heavily clothed..

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