XX: Alexander vs. Sesshomaru

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"You shouldn't have taken my mother's offer." Alexander said as he walked in the room, sitting himself down at the end of the bed, handing me a cup.

"I'm useless if I don't take care of this issue right away. It's been a burden." I said as I took the cup from him.

"Why don't you rest here for a while? Give yourself a break." He said as I downed my drink.

"That's not possible."

"Is there someone that's expecting you?" I gave Alexander back my cup as he questioned me.


"And he can't wait for you to recover?" I could see the clear irritation in his expression.

"It's not that."

"Then what?"

"I'm putting you all in danger the longer I stay here."

"You're in trouble? Why didn't you tell me?"

I was starting to see why Master Jaken got irritated with me asking questions.

"Would you have helped me if I did?"

He paused, giving me a lingering look before looking away and changing the subject thankfully.

"Did my mother tell you what she uses to heal people?"

"No. Although she did ask me that similar question as well."

"The blood of demons. Specifically a substance in their blood that allows them to heal rapidly."

"Not any demon can just heal. She'd have to get blood from much stronger demons.." I said, putting the pieces together as I watched him turn his head to meet my eyes.

"You. You kill demons for her." That explains why he was built the way he was. He has to be in order to kill demons stronger than him.

"Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing?" He asked with a frown.

It's because Lord Sesshomaru was the first one to come to mind. And I failed to mention to Alexander that I was the companion of the great dog demon.

"I didn't mean to. You know, not all demons are bad."

"I guess I haven't met a decent one yet then." He said as he stood up from my bed. As if on cue, my eyelids felt heavy, exhaustion crawling over me.

"I'll see you in a few hours., Rin."


I had a dream.

I was dressed in a crimson red kimono, my hair styled in waves that framed my face. My body was laid on a tall rectangular slab of stone, a gleaming white barrier surrounding me. My face was pale. Too pale, in fact.

I was either asleep, or dead.

There was a black shadow figure floating around me, touching the barrier a few times. I jumped when it's hand instantly shot through the barrier, it's arm surrounded with a golden glow.

It seemed to be absorbing the barrier as it's entire arm pulsed a brighter golden hue.

The shadow figure placed its hands on my shoulder, bending down so it's face was parallel to mine.

When it's mouth opened, my mouth propped open in synch. My eyes widened when I watched a pale white mist flow out my mouth, the shadow figure sucking it in to his mouth.

I knew in an instant that it was my soul.

I wasn't ready for the face I was about to see next, when the shadow figure suddenly turned to meet my eyes.

Fate's Desire [Sesshomaru x Rin]Where stories live. Discover now