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Woke up to 1k reads, thank you guys so much I really appreciate the love and support everyone has shown to me in recent days.

Woke up to 1k reads, thank you guys so much I really appreciate the love and support everyone has shown to me in recent days

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I slowly sat up in bed with the use of my arms, these past days have been quite rough for me not being able to walk, everything was now so new to me. I haven't told my mother anything yet, it would probably make sense to tell her soon but I'll consider it.

I tapped a sleeping Markus. "Mark.."

"Hmm." He mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"Can you bring my wheelchair closer please?." I asked, he threw the sheet off of him then got up and pushed my wheelchair towards the bed side where I was.

Once I was in the chair I wheeled myself to the bathroom. After closing the door I looked at myself in the mirror, finger combing my hair I sighed and opened the cabinet and took out the scissors then began to cut my hair.

35 minutes later...

Once I was done I somewhat cleaned up my mess the best way I could and took a bath with the help of the new fixtures Markus made since my accident.

I washed my body slowly and silently cried, it was now hitting me that I had lost a child I wasn't even aware of. It hurts like shit to know you won't be physically capable to walk anymore and moreover you've just lost your unborn, one that you hadn't even known about.

I wiped my eyes and Markus walked in unexpectedly.

"Pay, ya session is today at 11:30." He said while picking up his tooth brush to begin brushing his teeth.

I didn't say anything I simply sighed and emptied the water. "Can you at least fucking respond? ever since the shit happened to you, I been at your fucking side so when I be trying to help you don't disrespect me!." He yelled causing me to jump.

My lips quivered and I put my head down as I felt the urge to cry once more, Markus would always say he understands but he really doesn't; no one will as a matter of fact.

"You think you're the only one who lost the baby? I got feelings to but I don't walk around here sulking like I'm about to die." He said leaving and slamming the door.

I pulled myself out of the bath and onto my wheelchair, afterwards I slipped on my undergarments and wheeled out of the bathroom.

I put my dirty clothes in the hamper and wheeled to the closet where some of my clothes were, I pulled down my black ripped jeans off of the hanger and a simple blue oversized t-shirt.

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