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Exiting out of my favourite hair salon I took my phone out to quickly snap a flick of my new blonde hair.

It was well done in my opinion, shit cost almost $300. It's been awhile and awhile meaning 3 months since I've seen Markus, we'd text but he wouldn't visit me or anything and he'd cancel his therapy sessions as well so I didn't know what was up with him nor did I care.

Today I planned to go to this barbecue Jr had invited me to attend with him, surprisingly we've gotten closer since our little lunch date some months ago.

On my way home I stopped at the dollar store to pick up a variety of candy, since my stash at home was vanishing quickly because of Jr.

Leaving the plaza I saw Markus' car but no Markus, I shrugged it off and proceeded to drive home.

After getting out of the shower I sat down on my bed putting on my black lingerie set. After I sprayed myself I stood in front of my closet.

Putting on a turquoise romper I was finally satisfied. I applied makeup but I made sure it wasn't too heavy. Just as I was about to grab my purse I heard a slight knock at my door.

Opening It stood Jr, and I must admit he was looking really fucking fine.

We briefly stared at one another before I smiled which caused him to smile. Walking
into my cozy apartment he leaned against the counter.

"You can never be on time huh?." He laughed pulling me close.

"I can but-." He cut me off.

"But you got nun to say." He finished while chuckling. "By the way you got ya hair done today?." He asked.

"Yeah I decided I needed a new color, do you like it?." I asked.

"It looks nice and of course I do. But more importantly why can I see ya titties and shit?." He said trying to hide my exposed chest which was no use.

I laughed and held his hands, although we were friends there's things that friends don't do.

"Anyway it's a family and friend type of barbecue so if my dumbass cousins tryna' talk to ya just cut it short, matter of fact you'll be by me so that won't be necessary." He said looking down at me.

I nodded as I sat down to put on my heels, after that was done I sprayed myself with perfume for a final time.

"You ready?." He asked.

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