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"No one gets hurt, right?" . It all began in the summer of 16'

Being the side girl wasn't always easy as people perceive it to be, one may think it's so effortless to sneak around, avoid conflict and the hardest part NOT to catch feelings with someone else's man. But Markus and I... we were different on some occasions we'd have I guess you could say 'cute' moments or at times he'd talk about having a family with me, which would be totally insane because of how whipped I had him, my goods always made him talk crazy. For example if I was looking at another dude when I was around him he would go berserk.

Truth be told I only wanted sex, sex and more sex & with Markus, his strokes would have you in actual tears, but I ain't no bitch so I took the dick. I did it though and I've never got caught either, and I'll continue to as a matter of fact because it's not my fault your dude wants me. smooches.

xoxo — pay

xoxo — pay

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