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My cat Cassie could tell that the copies the watches created were not us at all. When we got home from 'school', our parents greeted us like any other day. The copies acted like us pretty well, although if you hit them hard enough, they'd poof out of existence. When we got back into our timeline, they disappeared, letting us take their place. I hugged my dad tightly as he was washing something in the sink, then pet my puppy named Ivan, and then my dog named Felix. As I went upstairs, I could hear the little kids playing Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, and I sighed at the sounds of home. Madie sighed too, relieved that we were back. When I opened the door, Cassie stood on my bed, eyes wide and meowing loudly in his high pitched voice.

"Cassie!" I shouted, dropping my backpack and rushing to my cat. He kept meowing and rubbing his face against mine, practically jumping to get to me. I scratched his back and head, hugging him tightly. See, Cassie was my cat. Wherever I go, he'd go. In fact, he's followed behind my heels countless times. When I write, he's sitting right on my table, curled up and trying to eat my pencil. If the Time Watchers had to go somewhere for a really long time, hypothetically, and I was away from the family, I'd bring my cat and ignore everyone who says against it.

Madie hugged my cat, too, making him meow even more with happiness.

"We missed you, Cassie!" I shouted, kissing my cat and holding on tightly to him. I let go and pet him some more, then went to my family, who was in the living room. Brendan and Lillian were playing on the Wii, and Gwendolyn was on the recliner, leaning against it as she watched them. "Alright, give me hugs." I said, opening my arms.

Gwendolyn got up and hugged me, while the other two took a minute. When they did give me hugs, I held on tightly as if I'd lose them. I hugged like I meant it, because I did. Hardly anyone thinks that, but then, they hardly look or listen closely to what I say or do.

"Where's Aidan?" I asked, letting go at last.

"In his room making movies." Said Gwen.

"Okay, shorty." I ruffled her hair, then went to his room and opened the door. Aidan, my older brother, had autism, like Friday. He made 'movies' by combining clips of shows and movies and making them do something else. He also animated a bit, and added his toys and own voice for his things. Which is really cool, I might add. "Aidan!" I shouted.

"Ah! W-What?" He jumped, looking down at me from atop his bunk bed.

"I just wanted to see you. I feel like I haven't in a long time." I smiled, then stretched out my arms. "Come here! I want a hug."

Aidan slipped out of his bed and stood in front of me. He was well over six feet, and towered over me. He wore a red shirt and black sweats with two red lines on the sides of them. He had an ear-bud in one ear, connected to his 2DS. He awkwardly hugged me, and I hugged him back tightly. I let go a moment later, even though I wanted to hold on to all of my family at once. It had been so long, and they didn't even suspect a thing.

That night, I wrote in my book called Programmed, smiling as I got to a very important part of the book. When that part was over, I sighed and looked up at Cassie, seeing him laying next to my book. He meowed as I took a sip of my tea, meowing again as I picked him up and turned out the lights, walking up the stairs and heading to my room. I sat Cassie down, watching him go up to my pillows and lay where my head would be. I laid down, pulling the covers over me, and sighed at the feeling of being home.

"Goodnight, Evelyn." Whispered Jericho.

I smiled. "Night,"

Cassie meowed, and I pet his head, scratching behind his ear. I sighed again, then closed my eyes and fell asleep soon after.

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