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As the army was setting up camp, Andrew walked over to me. I was sitting on a log, staring at everyone as they worked. Lorita was bandageing my leg sneakishly, no one being able to see her because I was hiding her so well. Andrew sat next to me, staring at everyone, too. For a few moments, we sat in silence, then he said, "So today,"

"Yeah, I know. I suck at fighting with a stinkin' sword."

He laughed at my bluntness. "No, you don't suck. Although we may need to work on it." He looked at me, and I looked at him. "Maybe I can help with that."

"You need to lead the army. I don't think you have time to help me."

"You'd be surprised. Remember how I sneak out?"

I nodded. "Well, even if you could, we'd wake everyone up with our loud clanging with the swords."

He chuckled. "I think I know a place we can go."

"Where?" I questioned, curious.

"I'll show you tonight, trust me." He smiled, and I shrugged. "I'll come by your tent tonight, okay?"


He grinned. "See you then." He stood and walked into the campsite, where several tents and campfires were already up. I watched him go, then looked down at Lorita.

"What do you think about this?"

She finished wrapping up my leg, then contemplated. "He wants to teach you some things you are not getting. I think it would be a good idea to go, especially because it seems like I can't get a few things in your head."

I frowned, then nodded. "Okay... And nothing will go wrong? Luke I won't have to save Andrew from getting decapitated or something?"

"Nothing will go wrong. Promise. Now go get something in your stomach. You've been fighting and wasting energy, and you need to replenish it."

I scowled, and before I could complain, she interrupted me.

"No, I'm not bossing you around. I'm just saying you should get some food and water, that's all."

Rolling my eyes, I stood and went to the food tent, or whatever it's called, and sat in a seat next to the rest of the annoying Time Watchers. They were all practically shoveling food in their faces, and I worried that they were going to choke or get sick. Weirdos.

* * *

"Come on," Andrew took my hand and went into the woods quietly, making me follow. He seemed extremely excited, and I myself felt a tinge of adventure. He wore a brown cloak, a sword belted on his side. He wore tattered, peasant clothes, and he had made sure there was dirt smudged on his face. I couldn't really tell from first glance if he were the King Andrew or just some random guy named Andrew. He dragged me deeper into the woods, turning to the campsite after we were far enough and looking at it. No one seemed to notice us, so he pulled out a small torch and created a spark with his small knife and sword's sheath, lighting the torch on fire.

He smiled in the light, putting his knife back in his pocket on his boot and taking my hand again. "Almost there," he told me, before pulling me with him.

We ran in the woods, going deeper and deeper. Andrew's cloak flowed with his movements, and I tried to keep up. We reached a hill, but that didn't stop Andrew. He kept at the same speed as he ran up, making me nearly trip several times. At the top, we finally stopped, and I bent over and took deep breaths. He walked to the edge of the hill and looked at the--

Oh my gosh, I thought I'd never be happier to see the moon! And were those?... Yeah! Stars! Real stars! I looked at him as he stared at the sky, smiling.

The Time Watchers (TW#1)Where stories live. Discover now