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I was crawling in the tunnel with everyone else behind me, following the scent of food. "It's this way!" I whispered, turning and pointing.

Madie fist pumped as we went on our way. We didn't have any lunch that day, and we were still hungry after dinner. Plus, Amelia didn't get any food because she was out. So, you could say, this was a mission of some sort. To... protect the Time Watchers! Or something... A crack of light poured in from the top of the damp, dank ceiling, and I stopped in front of it and moved aside the tile that blocked it, then stuck my head out. Surprisingly, I was well hidden.

The passageway was underneath a kitchen table, that was cluttered with every kitchen utensil in the world. The table was long and wide, too. There was only one person left in the kitchen, the butler. He must be making his rounds for the night, I thought, making sure the castle is secure and free of any pests. I felt a smirk pull my lips up. Well, he can't catch us!

"What do you see?" Asked Madie in a hushed voice.

I moved out of the way so she could stick her head out.

"Hmm..." She pulled her head back in. "We'll wait 'til he leaves."

"Who?" Connor asked quietly.

"The butler."

"We should find out his name," mentioned Charitie, "I feel bad just calling him 'the butler'."

Razz and I nodded.

"I'll find out his name by doing a search in history, if you want." Said Jericho.

"Maybe later." I suggested.

Connor stuck his head out and watched the butler, keeping close to the passageway's entrance. After a few minutes, he pushed his head back in. "Okay. We're clear."

One by one, we began to slip out of the passageway and into the kitchen. Having a very big sweet tooth, I had my eye on finding some treats, wherever they'd be. Madie and everyone else were eating whatever they found. "Don't forget about Amelia," whispered Becky.

Madie began to store food in her bag that hung on her belt. It was mostly bread and cheese, but still good. I glanced around, opening random doors and cabinets, but found nothing I was looking for.

"So, what do you guys think of Amelia?" Asked Alex.

"She's alright." I said, my head inside a drawer.

"Yeah, but she's also kind of..." Razz tried to find the right word. "Bipolar."

Connor shrugged. "I mean, she can get kind of whiney."

I said, "Oh, come on. She's not that bad." Then I hesitated. "But yeah, I can see what you mean. Sometimes she's fine, but then she just blows up."

"What do you think made her do that?" Asked my sister.

Charitie hummed an 'I don't know', shrugging her shoulders.

"Some people are just like that," said Samantha, "whether we like it or not."

"Very wise, Sam." Jason admired.

"And it rings with truth." Added Jericho.

I jumped for joy as my eyes caught sight of some powdered, doey treats on a plate. I grabbed a few and shoved them in my mouth, then closed the cupboard, whipping the powdered sugar off of my lips.

"How do you think Friday is?" Questioned Samantha quietly.

My appetite somehow vanished, which is a very hard thing to do to me. I forced the goodies down my throat, seeing everyone else was unnerved.

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