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"What the heck is that?" One random person asked me, pointing to my watch.

"It's a watch." I said.

"Cool. What model?" He asked.


"You know, what model of Apple Watch is that?"

"It's not an Apple Watch."

"What type of watch isn't Apple?"

"A lot of watches." I said, then hurried down the hallway, not wanting to speak to him any longer. I don't know why everyone assumes that everything is the latest model when it comes to technology. And the things that aren't the latest model don't exsist. It's weird, but it's the age I live in. When I get bored I start to talk to myself, but my watch keeps talking back to me. I always tell her-- it that I was never talking to h-- it. But it always talks to me anyway. After awhile, I kind of gave up on trying to explain things to it. Apparently, we have a lot in common, but I still refuse to speak to it. As I went to my next class, Lorita's screen lit up, and words popped up on its face.

Watch out! It read, and I turned around and scowled. The rudest person I know stormed in my direction, her face smudged with a snarl. Sierra Divits. Everything about her made my skin crawl. She was a cheerleader, who was extremely vane, and was always on the lookout for someone who wasn't popular, so that she could rub her perfect life into that person's face.

And I think that I was her next target. Scratch that, I obviously was.

"Amelia Richardson!" She barked at me.

"Hi, Sierra." I said to her dryly.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Sierra flipped her brown hair, the huge bow in her hair staying in place amazingly.

"I don't know. Why do you care?" I snapped back.

"Because I was going to go to the carnival, then to the movies, and then to Braum's. I just thought you'd like to know about it, that's all." Sierra smirked.

Lorita's face lit up, and then words popped up. I foolishly read them out loud.

"If you want to know the only person who'd like to know about you, go look in a mirror." I read, then I bit my lip. Why did I do that?! I thought.

Sierra gasped in the how-dare-you way and gave me a look that said, 'did you, like, just do that?'.

I only stared at her.

"Whatever." Sierra said at last, and then she stormed off, her          'perfect curls' bouncing as she walked.

Then I quickly went outside as the bell rang to go home. As I walked, I looked at Lorita. When no one was looking, I said, "Thanks, Lorita. That was a good comeback."

"You're welcome." Lorita replied.

Then we went to Professor Friday's house. When we got there, I actually felt excited to be there, although I didn't know why. I opened the door and walked into the house, only to almost trip as Evelyn and Madeline were doing something pretty weird. Either it was a 50's dance, or they were tackling each other. I couldn't tell. Both of them were laughing though, so that was good... I guess. I passed by the two girls, then went to the living room. This time, I wanted to explore the house instead of find the closest exit. The living room had marsh green wallpaper, and an old lamp sat on a small coffee table. There was a red couch against a back wall, and an old TV that sat on a small cabinet on the other wall in front of the couch. It had a round rug on the ground that laid in front of the couch, and the rug was a dull gold. A ceiling fan was slowly spinning above me, and it had a dull light on it. Connor was talking to Samantha, and he quieted down when I came in, talking to it-- her in a whisper. I kind of felt like I was in an 80's movie.

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