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I woke up to a clang, my heart beginning to pound. The Time Watchers were literally in a dog-pile, curled up together as they slept. Razz was the foundation, Evelyn's head on her stomach. Madeline was leaning her head on Evelyn's back. Charitie was on the other side of Razz, head resting on her legs. Connor was curled up by Charitie's side. All of them had blankets over them, keeping them warm. Their watches glowed a warm, blue light, keeping them safe from the dark. It was kinda cute, honestly.

As for me, I decided to be a few feet away from them. I sat up, looking outside of the small tent. "... Lorita? Do you know what that was?"

"Scanning area..." She went quiet for a long time.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and getting out of the tent. I peered out into the dark, my breath white clouds. There was no one outside; all of the campfires had gone out a long time ago. I glanced around in the dark, not sure what I should be on the lookout for. I pulled back into the tent and grabbed one of the Watcher's knives, going back outside and looking about again. 

"Sorry for the wait, Amelia. The person who created the noise had a field of code that prevented me from seeing them. I had to hack into the system. The creator of the noise was Maxwell Shrutt, a government assassin on a mission to bring back a Time Watcher."

"Wait, back up, wh--" Before I could finish my sentence, someone yanked me out of the tent and dragged me into the woods, covering my mouth. I squealed and kicked, yanking as hard as I could to get away. Nevertheless, the man kept a hold on me.

"You're lucky I'm not doing anything more to you." He growled once we were away from the camp. "If it were up to me, ha! All of you would be dead in the blink of an eye."

I glared, then bit his callused hand.

He scoffed. "You think that hurts me, girl?" Pulling out a strange device I couldn't see, he blasted a portal into the air. The portal was bright, giving me the ability to see the man's features. He had a scar on his jaw, along with a jagged scar on his forehead. With black hair and dark brown eyes, along with a deep set frown, he seemed lethal and deadly.

I wiggled and struggled in his grasp continuously, but he didn't let go. He walked through the portal, and we entered a strange lab, white and bright.

"I got one!" Exclaimed Maxwell, yanking me in front of him. I yelped and tried to pry his fingers loose from my clothes, which were the same clothes I had worn before I left. I was still dirty, though.

"Excellent! We only need this one for now." Said a man.

I looked at who spoke, staring at a man with red hair. His grin was venomous, yet somewhat contagious. He had brown eyes, and smelled a bit like alcohol. He put his hands behind his back and looked me up and down, his smile spreading. "So, you must be Amelia. Am I correct?"

"How the hell do you know my name?" I snarled, still squirming and grasping Maxwell's fingers.

"I have my ways, kid." Grinned the man. "I'm Eric. Nice to meet you."

"Well it's not nice to meet you!" I bit Maxwell's hand, and I swear I heard him chuckle as if it tickled.

"You know, you kids are pretty slippery." He ignored what I said. "We could only get one of you down here, and that little girl got out of our grasp pretty fast."

Evelyn! I thought, then growled. "And I'll do the same thing!"

"Oh, we know you will. That's why we're keeping a close eye on you at all times. Letting Evelyn have her privacy was a mistake. We won't make the same mistake with you. Iris?" He turned to a woman behind him.

The Time Watchers (TW#1)Where stories live. Discover now