Paint it Grey

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Evie pov
"Come on Brody unlock the door." I hurried him my batter was going to explode any second.

"Sorry," he said.

He dropped the Keys and I rolled my eyes. I banged on the door and yelled for Anton. Anton appeared at the door without a shirt on.

"Thank you," I pushed past him and ran to the bathroom.

I went back to the living room and my kids were playing with Grey. Paint came over and nudged my leg.

"Sorry about that Evie, I wasn't trying to be slow." Brody said.

"It's okay." I said.

Paint made almost like a hacking sound. My attention turned to my dog. I knelt down to him and he looked at me with sad eyes. Vinnie came over to me.

"Do you want me to call the vet?" Vinnie asked.

Paint laid his head on my lap. "I think we need to." I said as I scratched his head.

"Miss. Garcia what are you doing here?" Finn asked.

I looked over at the woman standing on the stairs. It most definitely was Finn's teacher.

"Um, I need to tell you all something." Anton scratched his head.

"While you all were gone, I eloped with Miss. Garcia." He Said. She smiled and walked over to him.

"We know, Anton." Vinnie Said.

"Binx told us. We spoke with my uncle and you are not going to get in trouble." I Said. Vinnie helped me up and Paint laid down.

We spoke with Maria about some house rules we had for the guards when it came to relationships.

"Hey Vinnie can I mark where we're going to put the pocket french doors to connect the two apartments?" Jet asked.

"No let the contractor do that. He's coming tomorrow." Vinnie got up.

"I'm sure Anton has told you about the upcoming construction we're about to undergo." I Said.

"He did tell me, also Finn told me about it in class." She Said.

I looked at Finn and he smiled as he played with Paint and Grey.

"Well you are joining our big family at an interesting time. We've got a lot of stuff going on all at once. Obviously I'm pregnant,"

"Anton, come give us a hand!" Diego yelled.

Anton got up and went to go help Diego with what ever he was doing. Grey chased after Anton and Finn followed.

"Is that a new puppy?" Maria asked.

"It is, my uncle gave it to us because Paint is dying. Vinnie and I may take him to the vet tomorrow." I Said.

"I'm really sorry about your dog." She Said.

"Vinnie and I have had Paint since my grandparents died. Until he couldn't get up the stairs he slept with Haven every single nights unless Vinnie or I were sick. While I was pregnant with Haven, he would kick Vinnie out of bed. When we were living at our old apartment, before Haven was born. Paint and I had been out and some rebels attacked Vinnie in our apartment. When we got back, paint dragged me up the stairs to our apartment. He instantly knew Vinnie was hurt." I Said.

Paint got up slowly and I could tell it was painful for him. He came over and rested his head on my leg.

"He's been a big part of this family, and I can't imagine my left with out him." I Said I felt like I was going to cry.

I started crying and Maria came over and sat with my as I cried. Vinnie ran in and he came over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I can't loose Paint." I cried. Vinnie took my hands and kissed my hands.

"Could you excuse us for a moment, Maria?" Vinnie asked.

"Sure," Vinnie helped me up and we went upstairs. Paint looked at us as we went upstairs. Vinnie put his arm around me.

"I know you are going to miss Paint. I'm going to miss him too." Vinnie Said.

"He slept in your spot when you were at war." I Said as I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

"Is everything alright?" Ramsey asked.

"I've got it," Vinnie Said as we went into our bedroom. He had me sit on our bed.

"I know you are emotional about loosing Paint. But you're not the only one. I'm upset about it too. Haven and Finn don't show it but they've told me they don't want Paint to go." He Said.

"I think he's trying to tell us its time." I sniffled.

"The looks he gives us, he wants us to let him go." I Said. Vinnie hugged me.

"When you take him tomorrow, I don't want to go. But take Binx, and bring Paint's ashes back. We'll put them next to Ash's." I Said referring to our miscarried son.

"I made something for Once Paint's gone." Vinnie Said.

He got up and went to his studio. He came back with a shadow box. Vinnie gave it to me. It had a photo of Paint when we first go him and his paw print also a place for his collar. I hugged him.


The next day, when Anton, Maria and Ramsey's walked the child to school. I laid in bed with Grey. Vinnie and Binx took Paint to the vet. The rest of the guards were working with the contractor to start working on the construction.

Somewhere around noon, I got up and downstairs. Corbin offered to go and get me lunch while taking Grey on a walk. I agreed and I disappeared back into my room. I got a text from Vinnie,

"we're bring Paint home." I started crying, I did my best to hug my knees but with the twins it was hard.

I heard Grey barking and Corbin yelling at him to come back. Little paws scratched at the door and I got up and opened the door. I picked up Grey,

"if you're still going our I'd like a meatball sub from the Deli two blocks over." I Said as I held Grey.

"Um alright," Brody said confused.

I closed my door and crawled into bed with Grey. Grey kept me company and he was so intrigued by my stomach. He started playing a game with my babies. He put his paws on my belly and keep them there till one of my babies kicked him back. I smiled, a knock came at the door and Grey started barking.

"Come in," I sat up.

Vinnie came in with a shoebox sized box and Paint's collar on top. He sat on the bed with me,

"Binx and I made his a huge steak this morning. We pampered him like we never had before." Vinnie Said.

I could tell he was broken up about this. I hugged him and he started to cry.

"I miss him Evie." He cried.

I started to cry to. "I miss him too." I Said.

When the children came home, we sat them down and told them Paint had gone on they both cried.

The next day they both asked to stay home, saying they didn't feel well. But I knew they were grieving. I sadly had an interview that day. So I couldn't stay home with them, but Haven begged me to bring her with me. So I did, I knew she had lost her best friend.

A/n: hope you enjoyed the Chapter.

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