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Evie pov
Vinnie helped me out of the car, and then we got out kids out of the car. We were in Angels for Christmas. Haven jumped out,

"Come on Paint," She Said.

Paint struggled to get out of the car. He was getting so old and we were planning on putting him down soon.

We went inside and I went up to my old bedroom. I laid on my bed and Paint licked my foot.

"Stop it Paint," I laughed.

Vinnie Smiled as he unpacked. I honestly didn't want to touch my suitcase.

When it was time for dinner, Vinnie helped my up. Being five months pregnant with twins was not fun. We found Haven and Finn and we went to Dinner. Mom ran up to me and hugged me.

"Why were we not told you arrived?" She asked.

"Sorry, we didn't tell anyone of our arrival. We had an early flight and it was delayed and we're all tired." I Said.

We sat down and Rikki and his kids came in and once they were all seated dinner was brought out.

"So how are you doing, Evie?" Nick smiled.

"I'm doing well, I'm pretty busy with interviews and assembling two nurseries." I Said.

"And we are about to conjoin our apartment with the one next to it. So our guards have more private quarters." Vinnie said.

"That should be interesting." Dad said.

"We hope to get the project started as soon as we get back. We've already bought the apartment. All we have to do Is take what's in it out. Then fix what needs to be fixed. Then let the guards chops their rooms." Vinnie said.

"The only reason we're doing it is so we can have more room for our family and storage." I added.

"That's also a factor." Vinnie said.

"How is Italy?" Dimitri asked changing the subject.

Nick put his head down on the table and groaned. "It's insane, the diplomats and ambassadors are basically running the country. Our economy is down. It cost us 10,000 dollars to fly here from Rome. Our money is basically worthless. I'm so grateful we put most of our money in savings over here." Nick complained.

"I honestly don't know what we are going to do. The people don't want anything to do with running the government." Nick said.

"There's a UN meeting Coming up in Vienna soon. We could bring that up." Dimitri offered.

"But did the nations bale out Germany after the first and Second World War?" Rikki Asked.

"No we made them pay for it." Uncle Luke said. They talked politics for a while.

"Evie," Vinnie tapped my shoulder.

"Yes," I asked turning my attention away from my dinner.

"Your uncle asked you a question." Vinnie Said.

I wiped my mouth, "sorry about that, what was the question?" I asked turning my attention to either of my uncles since Vinnie hadn't specified which one.

"How has the snow been this winter?" Uncle Jake asked.

"The snow fall has been pretty average for New Waverley. Every morning Jett is usually up and shoveling the street along with ours and our neighbors front steps." I Said.

"Vinnie, how bad has her temper gotten?" Mom asked.

"I'm sitting right here," I Said.

"She's more moody than she normally is during her pregnancy." Vinnie Said. I hit him and went back to my dinner.

The next generation- where we go from hereМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя