The war is over

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Dimitri pov
I sat in the War room with my family, minus the children. The Italian palace being invaded. This was the final step to winning this war, Capturing Amedeo.

We watched the footage, holding our breath. A British soldier and Illea soldier came out of the palace with an unconscious Amedeo.

"The war's over," I smiled.

"My family?" Christiana asked.

"If our spies were correct they're there also. They should be brought out soon." I said.

"When can I go back? I need to see my family. They need me." Christiana said.

"Breath Christiana. Just breath. Dimitri will take care of everything. We'll go back to Italy as soon as we can." Nick told her.

"Once we have the all clear for the generals and the palace is secured. You can go back to Italy. But you two will have a big role in the rebuilding of Italy's society and government." I said.

"You know Italian?" Christiana asked.

"I've known it just as long as Nick has. We learn it together." I said.

"When can we go back to Waverley?" Evie asked.

"Right after we announce the war is over." I said as I got up.

Nikki hugged me.

"We won," she whispered in my ear.

"I knew we would." I said.

I grabbed Nikki's hand and we ran to the makeshift report studio.

"Emergency broadcast now!" I yelled.

The crew scrambled around as Nikki and I climbed the stairs to the platform.

"Were live," the producer yelled.

"Good Afternoon, Illea. As of," I looked at my watch. "Ten minutes ago, the war has ended. King Amedeo is now waiting for trail in Rome. It will take time for both Waverley and Europe to rebuild so please be patient till you attempt to return to your homes. That is all." I said.


Evie pov
I Carried Finn and pushed opened the door to my house in Waverley. Vinnie, Paint and Haven were right behind me. I went in and it looked like it hadn't been touched since we left. Our guards came in. I went into the living room and pulled the sheets off the furniture. I mentally thanked Sage for doing that.

"Let's make sure everything's here." Vinnie Said.

"I'll check the library you check your studio." I said.

"Deal," he kissed his cheek.

I went into the library and all our awards weren't on the shelves. I searched the room and found them on the wardrobe. Once again I thanked Sage. I took the awards out and and put them back on the shelves.

"Were going to need to clean everything." I said to Haven.

"can I help?" She asked.

"Duchess?" I heard.

I went back to the living room and our new guards were there. Not all our guards had came back from the war and it was sad.

"Just set the boxes down there. Binx and Anton show the new guards the house and collect, Palmer, Delcan and Ben's things. We need to send their items to their families. Also look for cleaning products were going to scrub this place from top to bottom." I said.

"Yes ma'am." They went to their rooms and Vinnie came downs stairs.

"All paintings are here and accounted for." Vinnie Said.

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