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Devon pov
I ran through the streets of New Waverley. I slid into a fox hole feet first and came into contact with razor wire. The razors came into contact with my ankles and sunk deep into my skin. I took my gun out and for protection.

"Medic?" I yelled in agony.

One ran over to the fox hold. He smiled and handed me a pair of wire cutters and I cut myself free. He then dragged me to the nearest building. They got me on a stretcher and did what they could for my injury.

"This is really bad." The medic said.

I hissed as he pulled on the razor wire.

I laid in the infirmary. My cuts had gotten infected.

"We're going to send you home." One of the doctors told me.

"Really?" I asked as I sat up.

"Yes." He said then left me.


I hobbled off the plane on a pair of crutches. My pack was throwing off my weight. But I was managing.

"Devon!" I heard.

I saw Diana and Makayla. They ran over to me. And hugged me, Makayla embraced me into a kiss. Diana had Regina in a sling.

"Can I hold her?" I asked as I put my arm around Makayla.

"sure." Diana gave me Regina.

I held her, "she's adorable." I said.

Regina's bottom lip quivered and I gave her back To Diana.

"Come on let's get you home." Makayla said.

She took my pack and we went to her car. Makayla put my pack into the trunk as Diana helped me into the car. She then ran around and put Regina in her car seat.

"She's almost six months old right?" I asked.

"Correct. And she's never met her father." Diana said as she got into the car.

"So did Kenton and Marcus get back yet?" I asked.

"Ya they're already at your house." Diana said.

Makayla drove us to my house. It was so good to see my home again. Makayla parked and we got out. Makayla helped me as Diana got Regina.

"Mom doesn't know your home." Diana said.

I smiled. "She'll really be in for a surprise." I said.

Makayla helped me up the hill to the house as Diana carried my pack and Regina.

We went in and Kenton and Marcus met us with hugs.

"It's so good to see you." Kenton said.

"It is." I said.

We went into the living room and I sat down and propped my feet up.

"So how was the razor wire?" Marcus asked.

Makayla came over and sat next to me. I put my arm around her.

"It's not fun. I passed out while they were taking it out of my legs." I said. "But at least the infection is clearing up."

"That's a good thing." Diana said.

"Now where's your purple pixie fairy?" I asked.

"Pistol's at school and mom has Bandit. She's bringing them over later, once Pistol gets out of school. Mom thinks Makayla and I are hanging out, Which we are, but she doesn't know your home." Diana said.

I laughed. "She's gonna kill you." I said.

"No she won't, not till after Sage gets back." She smiled.

I laughed. "I've missed you all." I said.

"We've missed you too." Makayla said.


"Your mom's on her way you've gotta hide." Makayla said.

"Can I have a kiss first?" I asked.

"Maybe." She teased.

I kissed her cheek and she helped me into the kitchen.

"Diana, Makayla where are you?" Mom called.

"I'm the kitchen." Makayla yelled.

Diana covered her mouth to prevent from laughing. Regina had calmed down to me and I was holding her now. Mom pushed the door to the kitchen open and her jaw dropped.

"Uncle Devon." Pistol squealed.

She ran over to me and I crouched down the best I could to give her a hug. I picked her up.

"What are you doing back?" Mom asked as she came over and gave me a hug.

I set Pistol on the counter so I could hug my mom.

"I missed you so much." She said.

When she let go she punched my shoulder. "What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be home for three more weeks." She said.

"They let me come home for thanksgiving. Since I had a run in with razor wire and an infection." I said.

"Are you alright?" Mom asked.

"Ya the infections is almost cleared up." I said. Mom hugged me again.

"I missed you so much." She said.

"I missed you too." I said.

We spent the entire night talking and catching up. Pistol kept wanting to show me her drawling. Finally I caved and let her show me.

She showed me all the drawling she'd done at school today and she told me what she was learning at school.

"That sounds so much fun Pistol." I smiled.

I was so happy to be home.

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