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Dimitri pov
I knocked on the door to Serenity's room.

"Come in," she said.

I went on and her maids were pinning the dress she was going to wear for graduation.

"Hey," she smiled.

"How does it feel to be graduating?" I asked.

"I'm so exciting." She smiled.

"Do you remember when I graduated?" I asked.

"No, I was only two and a half." I laughed.

"Like the half makes any more impressive." I said.

"To your children it is." She pointed to me.

"Hey, leave them out of this," I said jokingly as I pointed back to her. Serenity put her arm down and looked at the mirror.

"I was chosen as Valedictorian." Serenity said as she messed with a ring.

"I want to talk about Nevaeh in my speech." She said.

"What about Nevaeh?" I asked.

"I always loved her view on life. She truely did live day by day. Because at any given moment the cancer could come back and take her." Serenity said.

"I understand that. It's hard to believe it's been four years since she died." I said.

"Well when your done, change we have an interview." I said changing the topic.

"An interview?" She asked.

"Yes, the five remaining grandchildren of King Maxon and Queen America are doing an interview with Alex." I said.

"That sounds fun," Serenity smiled.

"Ya, Alex suggested it since we all were in town." I said.

"Well I think we're almost done then I'll meet you there." Serenity said.

"Alright then." I said then left.

"Daddy!" Delacey ran towards me. I picked her up.

"Hello princess," I said.

"Hi Daddy." She smiled. She looked so much like Nikki, if Nikki had Blonde hair.

"Daddy can I come with you?" She asked.

"I'm not going anywhere, princess." I said as I turned te corner to head to the Report Studio.

"Mommy said you were." She said.

"Mommy may have meant I have an interview." I told her.

"Can I come?" She asked.

"Sure," I couldn't say no to my little princess.

I went into the report studio and my cousins were waiting for me.

"Hey I thought we said no children," Evie said.

"We did, but she asked to tag along." I said.

"You couldn't say no to your little princess, can you?" Sage said.

"Maybe," I said.

"Come on we all have little girls, we all know there are times when you can't say no." Nick said.

Serenity came in. "Auntie Swenity," Delacey pointed.

"Ya it's Aunt Serenity." I said. Serenity took my daughter.

"They look so similar." Evie Said.

"Delacey got her looks from her mother. She got her hair color from me." I said.

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