The effects of war

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Sage pov
The next morning I got up and showered. As I cleaned my stitches, I remembered something the Italian general had told me.

I finished taking care of my shoulder and then I put one of my shirts off. I put my earrings in and then my lip rings. I had stuck paper clips in the holes while deployed to ensure they didn't close up since we weren't allowed any jewelry other than our dog tags.

"Hey Di where are my dog tags?" I asked.

"On the dresser." She called from Regina's room.

I found them and put them on. I picked up my phone and I sent Nick, Christiana and Dimitri a text asking if we could meet up since I had information they might care about. The obviously agreed to our meeting.

I had breakfast with my wife and children and then I left.

I went up to Dimitri's office and soon Nick and Christiana came in with Sebastian.

"So Sage what was it you wanted to tell us." Dimitri asked.

"When they first captured me, before the storage container. I was told that they knew Christiana's family was spying for us. That's all they told me. I don't know what's become of your family." I said.

Christian was covering her mouth with her hand.

"But I still get letters from them." Christiana said.

"I'll organize a rescue mission to get your family out of Italy." Dimitri said.

"Thank you Sage." Christiana said.

Evie pov
I sat in the kitchen with Haven. We were coloring. Finn was playing with cars on the floor. Vinnie was up In His studio working on his mural with Carmen and Fox. East was in a bouncer, I was also watching him.

I heard a thud from the studio.

"No! No! No!" I heard Vinnie yelling and Paint barking.

He was having another Panic attack. I got up and ran upstairs. As I came up the stairs he threw a glass jar at Fox.

"Vinnie." I yelled as I grabbed his arm.

"I can't do it Evie. I can't Paint the old skyline. It's not the true skyline. It's not the Waverley I left." He sat down on the step and held his head in his hands.

"You don't have to paint the old skyline. This is your space, your mural, you can paint what you want." I told him.

I stayed with him till he calmed down. Paint had his head resting on Vinnie's thigh.

"I'm still there Evie. I'm still in Waverley, I'm still in Paris and my hands are stained red." He said as he held his hands out.

"Can you two give us a few minutes?" I asked Carmen and Fox.

They stepped past us and went downstairs.

"I can't go back to Waverley. I can't go back to my gallery." Vinnie said.

"We're going to stay here till the war's over." I Said.

"What if it doesn't what if we loose this war." Vinnie said.

"The Italian forces are nearly all out of Illea." I said.

"But what about Europe the fighting over there is even worse that Waverley." Vinnie got up and went to the table and leaned against it.

"The battle of Paris, it made the fighting in Waverley look like child's play." He said.

I went over to Vinnie and wrapped my arms around him.

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