Rebel help

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Dimitri pov
It was the middle of the night and Delacey was wanting to be held. So being the nice husband I was, I was holding Delacey as she and her Mama slept.

I was reading a new book because well I don't know what became of the book I left on the beach. So I was reading a new one. Delacey was fidgeting in my arms, she was definitely active.

All of a sudden the rebel alarm went off. Delacey started crying. Nikki got out of bed and grabbed her robe. I ran to the book case and opened the passage to the safe room. I helped Nikki down the stairs while holding Delacey who was still crying. Nikki stumbled and I somehow managed to catch her.

"My stitches." She said as she held her stomach.

I gave her Delacey and then picked her up and carried her to the safe room.

Some of my family, who still lived at the palace were already there. I laid Nikki on a bed. Her robe already had blood on it.

"Mom can you take Delacey and calm her?" I asked as I went and got the first aid kit.

"What happened?" Aunt Meg asked.

"I pulled some stitches." Nikki said as she untied her robe and unbuttoned the bottom buttons on her silk Pajama shirt to expose the gauze that was soaked in blood. I crouched next to her and peeled the medical tape and gauze off.

Nanny Alison then came in with the children in tow. Rikki, Aunt Meg and Aunt Ella kept them distracted. I took some gauze out and had Nikki hold it on where she was bleeding. Dr. Presley then came in and sewed Nikki up.

Not long after Dad came in.

"Is it over?" I asked.

"Sort of the rebels want to talk to you." He said.


Nikki grabbed my wrist. "I'll be fine." I said as I patted her hand. "I won't be long."

Rikki, Dad and I went upstairs to talk to the rebels. We went into a parlor, guards were lining the hallways outside the parlor and when we went in more guards were in the room. Three men sat at a table guards once again standing behind them. Rikki and I took a seat at the table with them.

"Good-" I looked at the clock on the wall. "Morning Gentlemen."

"What do we owe the pleasure of you and your men storming the castle at three in the morning. Setting off the alarm and waking our children?" Rikki asked.

"We apologize for the inconvenience." One of the men said. "I'm Axel, this is my brother Davis and our younger brother Hawk." The man in the middle said.

"As Rikki asked. What is your reason of this meeting?" I asked.

"We want to offer our man power in the war, and in exchange nothing huge like land. Something small merely a trifle."

"I swears if you say his voice I'm done. It's too early for this." Rikki said as he rubbed his eyes.

"What is it you want?" I asked.

"Your adopted daughter Margret."

"You want Maggie?" I asked.

"Yes her mother was a rebel."

"What?" Rikki asked.

"I'll fill you in later." I said to Rikki before going back to addressing Axel. "I am very aware of Geniveave's former occupation. I am also aware that she shot her husband, took Nikki hostage and threatened to shoot her, Levi and I, and she did successfully shoot my dog Jupiter." I said.

"But since then we've changed. I am the new head of command, Jonathan is dead and so is all of his descendentes." He said.

"I understand but what does this have to do with Maggie?" I asked.

"I have a little boy about the age of your son Maverick. And we want him and Maggie to get married."

"Not in a million years. We stopped marrying princesses off a long time ago."

"It wasn't that long ago. I mean your mother and I haven't been married that long." Dad said.

"Need I to remind you I'm nearly thirty two?" I asked.

"Its doesn't seem that long ago." Dad said.

"Anyways." I said. "Since my grandparents married we have stopped arranged marriages. We believe in true love and having someone arrange a marriage with ones true love is crazy."

"Then let them be raised together become childhood best friends that's bound for them to start liking each other when they are older. I have to tell you my son is the sweetest little boy you will ever meet." Axel said. "I'm not asking for an answer now. Discuss it with your wife. And if you want to meet my son my wife and I will bring him. We know you need the man power and weaponry. We know Illea is loosing men and ground in Illea. And in Europe the same thing is happening. The Italians have been preparing for this war for years. Illea and the alliance need our help. We have enough weaponry to take over Illea if we wanted. Yet we haven't. You need our help and you can't refuse  to not say yes." Axel stood up.

I also did. "Not if it cost me my daughter's happiness."

"She's not even your daughter you adopted her after you killed her father."

I slammed my fist on the table. "I did not kill Andy it was a complete accident. I had no idea that clip was going to break. I didn't know he was going to take his helmet off. I had used the same gear moments before he did." I yelled.

"You don't want to trust us because of our past history correct?" Axel asked.

I looked at the table. "Yes," I said.

"Remember what I said at the beginning. Jonathan and his family line is gone." He said.

"That's not the first time we've head that." I said. " My Aunt Ella has scars on her face from being tortured by rebels. The scars on my mother's back that she got from years of living with rebels. I still remember the night Jonathan whipped my mother, and shot my father. The night James killed his own mother. I was only two and I had to watch that. I remember the torture I endured while being held captive by the rebels." I said. "And if you say Jonathan's family is all gone that would include James which I know is false because he's here. Dad find James and bring him in." I said.

Axel looked at me. "I know James is here. I know because he's the one to ask Captain Woodwork if we could meet with you." Axel said.

I walked away and turned away and rubbed my tires face. I went back to the table.

"I will discuss your offer with my family. And we will come to a conclusion. And we will let James know and he will let you know." I said.

"One more thing your Majesty, we will never attack you if you agree with our demands." Axel said.

I nodded. "Get them out of my sight and lift the rebel attack." I said to dad then left.

I went to my room, and not Nikki's I need to sort my thoughts before I spoke to her or the rest of my family. I sat at my desk and just started writing.

The next generation- where we go from hereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon