Queen Nevaeh

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-two months later-

"Mom!" I yelled from the kitchen.

She ran in. "What?" She asked.

"We need to go now." I said as I gripped my stomach.

She helped me over the shards of glass and out of the kitchen.

Sage pov
I laid on my cot starring at the ceiling.

"Hey Sage, this just came for you." Gerard said as he gave me a thick envelop.

I sat up and opened it. I dug out the founded piece of paper.

"Dear Sage,
By the time you read this, Regina and I will be back home. Yes, Regina's with us. She was born at the palace on June 25. She's precious and honestly giving me hope. I enclosed some or a lot of photos of her and us. We miss you, I wish you could have been there. We all miss you so much. We love you so much and are already counting down the Days till you come home.
Your wife and children."

I smiled and dumped the rest of the envelope out. I went through the photos multiple times looking at the photos.

"So what's going on in Angels with your fam?" Gerard asked.

"Diana had Regina." I said as I handed him a picture of Just Regina.

"She's precious." Gerard said.

"Thank you." I said.

John came with a package. "Hey Sage why did Diana send me a package?" He asked as he sat on the bed.

"No idea." I said confused.

John opened the box and took out a tube.

"If this is a glitter bomb I'm not gonna be happy." John said.

He opened the tube and it exploded in a lot of pink glitter. He pulled out a piece of paper.

"Regina Nevaeh Scheaves's first glitter bomb." He read.

I started laughing and I handed him the photo of Regina.

"I honestly can't be mad at her. But I can be mad at Diana." He said as he got up and brushed the glitter off his pants and then got it off his cot.

Diana pov
I held Regina and then picked Bandit up.

"I need another set of hands." I said as u put Bandit down.

Megan came over and got Bandit. "Thank you again for giving my mom and I a hand with my kids." I said.

"It's not a problem." She said.

"Regina's actually been quiet an easy baby, she sticks to a schedule and I'm loving it." I said as I sat down.

"She's not sleeping through the night yet."

"She won't be there for a while." I said.

"But are you getting enough sleep?" Mom asked as she brought Haven in.

"Ya I'm getting enough sleep." I said With a smile.

I looked down and noticed Regina was asleep.

"I'm going to put her down." I whispered. I went upstairs to my room and put her in her crib. Before returning to the living room.

A/n:sorry this is a shorter chapter but I didn't know what else to really do with out making it boring.

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