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Dimitri pov

Nikki, Dean, Gemma, their daughter Ashley, Levi, Maverick, Maggie and I sat in the waiting room of the woman's pavilion.

Peak ran out.

"It's a boy." He exclaimed.

"Congratulations." Nikki said.

"How's Sammy?" Gemma asked.

"She's exhausted." Peak said.

"Can we see her?" Nikki asked.

"I guess so." Peak said.

I picked up Maggie and Mav and we followed Peak.

"What's his name?" Nikki asked as Sammy held her son.

"um we went with Bear." Sammy said.

"That's a cool name, he'll have to be tough with that name." Dean said as he sat in a chair with Ashley In His lap.

"Well we like it." Peak said.

We hung out with Peak and Sam for a while, before we left.

We took Maggie and Mav home, I took them to the nursery and handed them over to Nanny Alison. Levi clutched to my pants as I talked to Nanny Alison.

Nikki ran down the hall in a teal jumpsuit, with her hair pulled back and minimal makeup. Her shoes and jewelry in her hand.

"Well that's probably the quickest I've ever seen you ever get ready

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"Well that's probably the quickest I've ever seen you ever get ready." I smiled as I picked Levi up.

"Thank you." She said as she put her earrings in.

We went down to the carport and I put Levi in the backseat as Nikki got into the passenger side and continued getting ready. When Levi was secure, I went to the driver's side And started the car.

We Drove to the elementary school down the street from Gregory Illea Middle and High school.

The principal showed us around the school, I didn't seem impressed. Something about the school bothered me.

"When do they start to learn to read?" Nikki asked.

Levi knew how to read already.

"We send flash cards of words home for the first half of the year. And then we send short easy books home with them." The principal said.

We went into a few classrooms, and Levi got to play with some of the students. We talked with the teachers for a while. I questioned each on thoroughly about their teaching tactics.

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