Our Miricle

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Nevaeh pov
I due any day and bored out of my my mind. I had enough of bed rest. I wanted to get up and stretch my legs. I rarely got to that.

Rikki kissed my forehead.

"I'll have your breakfast brought to you." Rikki said.

"Can I please join you for breakfast? It's a short walk, and I'll be sitting the entire time." I pleaded.

Rikki gave me a hesitated look, but he nodded.

I smiled and he helped me up. Our Miracle kicked as I got up. I leaned against the night stand till she calmed down.

"Are you alright?" Rikki asked pulling me closer to him.

"I'm fine, we still have two more days till my c-section." I said.

Rikki nodded.

I got dressed, then we left. Rikki had already gotten our children ready before. I waddled down the hallway, following Rikki.

Nina ran out of her room, and Rikki picked her up.

"Mamá." She said.

I hugged her from Rikki's arms.

"Is Mamá better."

"Sort of, Now let's go get your hermanos." Rikki told Nina.

He put Nina down, and Nina took my hand.

When Rikki had the boys ready we went to breakfast.

"You truly are Super Dad." I said.

Amer held my other hand, and Rikki held Fitch.

We went into the Dinning Hall.

"Nevaeh what are you doing out of bed?" Mom asked as I sat down.

"Dr. Presley said I could do a bit of walking." I said.

"Are you sure your alright?" Dad asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

I rested my hands on my stomach while we waited for breakfast.

Halfway through breakfast, halfway through Breakfast, I started feeling crappy. But I wasn't going to complain. I barely saw my family whether I was health or not. 

"Are you alright?" Rikki asked as I cringed at a sharp pain.

"I'm fine." I lied.

I started breathing heavily till it passed.

"Nevaeh are you sure, don't lie." Mom said.

"It's just some pain. I'm fine." I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"Nevaeh your not." Rikki said.

"My water just broke." I said as liquid rolled down my legs.

Rikki got up, pulled my chair out and picked me up.

Lucas pov

Rikki picked Nevaeh up and ran out. Nina tried to follow them, but I grabbed her arm.

"But Mamá?" She said.

I pulled her into my lap.

"Mamá need you to stay with your brothers. Papa will come get you, when Mamá is better." Nina started crying.

"Is Mamá....is Mamá going to be alright?" She sobbed.

"She's going to be fine," Megan said.

Amer came over to us. Megan pulled him into her lap.

"I'll take you to school this morning." I said To her.

She nodded.

We finished breakfast, and Megan and I took our grandchildren to their rooms. Megan got Nina ready for school, and I got my grandson ready for the day.

I put Nina in her car seat, and then got in the driver's seat.

"Is Mamá alright?" Nina asked.

"She's going to be fine. And when you get home from School today. You're going to have a little sister." I said.

I walked Nina in to her class.

"Your Majesty, what a surprise." Her teacher said.

I chuckled,

"I'm just Abuelo today. Rikki is dealing with Nevaeh right now. So I volunteered to take Nina to class." I said.

"Would you like to stay and talk to the children about what it was like to be King?" The teacher asked.

I hesitated at first, but I agreed to it.


When I got back to the palace, Nanny Alison was with Amer and Fitch. Megan was with Nevaeh.

"Have they started the C-section?" I asked Megan.

"Not yet, their waiting for the pain medicine to kick in before they take her back. What took you so long to get back?" Megan asked.

"The teacher wanted me to talk to the children about what it was like to be king." I said.

They rolled Nevaeh out of the room she was in. They let us talk to her before the surgery.

"Hey, your back." Nevaeh said.

"That I am," I said.

"Rikki, I called your parents and their on their way." Megan told Rikki.

"Thank you." He said.

An hour later they brought Nevaeh out of the operation room. She was half asleep. Rikki was following closely. He came up to us.

"It's a girl, she's healthy." Rikki smiled.

"What's her name?" Megan asked.

"Esther Marabell." He said.

"A beautiful name." I said.

"Rikki!" Nevaeh yelled.

"Gotta go, Esther's down the hall." He said.

Megan and I walked down the hallway to where Esther was.

"She's precious." Megan said.

"She truest is a Miricle." I said.

"It's a Miricle Nevaeh was able to carry her, after everything she's been through." Megan said.


Nevaeh pov
I woke up and Rikki was holding Esther.

"Hey your awake." Rikki said.

"Can I hold her?" I asked.

Rikki gave me Esther.

"Hello sweetie." I said.

After a while, Mom and Dad came in with my other children. Dad had gone and gotten Nina from school.

"Come meet your sister." Rikki said as he lifted our children on to the bed.

"Remember you've still got to be careful with Mamá's stomach." He said to them.

A/n: not as long as I would like, but close enough.
Also for those who've read all three books and know that Dallas tore his ACL doing a flip turn. You may find it funny that I somehow hurt my knee, probably while at swimming.

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