Remebering Nevaeh

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Rikki pov
I got all my kids into my car and made sure they were in securely before I got into the driver's seat.

"Papa where are we going?" Amér asked.

"We are going to visit momma?" I said.

I saw Nina pout in the mirror.

"Papa how did you and mama meet?" Nina asked.

"Well Momma had a completion called the selection."

"What's the selection?" Fitch asked.

"It's was originally for the prince, but Momma had an exception. But it's where one young single man is chosen from each providence. I was chosen from Hansport. So I flew out to Angels." I told them about the selection.

"Now at first Momma and her family didn't really like me because I had dreadlocks. But momma looked past that and it took her family a while to look past that. I was lucky enough to make it to the elite, and I was falling head over heels for momma and she felt the same but she was confused by the elite. But that's when Momma's heart problems became serious. One night, it was the night after she had spent the night with me, that she collapsed outside my room. Now momma had to wear a special heart monitor and that was beeping telling me something was wrong. So I carried her to the Hospital wing and met the staff take care of her. That night we found out mommy needed a heart transplant immediately. But mommy had a rare blood type and it was hard to find a heart but her. She had the surgery and after it she chose me to be her husband. She still didn't like my dreadlocks so the night before our wedding I cut them off. Just for Momma." I said.

"That's sweet." Niña said.

"I gave her a necklace that was her birthstone, and it was thought to be a healing charm. And she loved it. She always wore it. It was the necklace she gave you." I said as I glanced at Nina who was smiling.

I pulled into the cemetery and parked. I got my kids out and gave one of the bouquets to Nina to carry. I carried Esther. My boys followed me as I made my way to Nevaeh's grave. I stopped in front of it. I knelt down in front of the grave.

"Hey Nevy. It's your Husband. I brought our children today. It's actually an exact year since you died." I said.

"Can momma hear us?" Fitch asked.

"She can." I Said.

"Hey momma, I hope your doing good where you are. I miss you. I made a drawling for you but I forgot it. I'm sorry. I really wanted you to see it." He said.

Nina put the flowers in front of the gravestone.

"Momma." Esther said as she pointed at the gravestone.

"Ya, that's where momma's buried." I said.

I sat down on the ground and held Esther in my lap. "Hey Nevy, I miss you so much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped away before my children could see it.

"A lot has happened this past year. Amer started Kindergarten last fall. A war's broken out, it made Nick and Evie come back home with there families. Vinnie was drafted at the first of the year. And Sage was drafted with weeks ago. He left last week. He says hello and he misses you." I smiled.

I took a piece of sheet music from Sage. "He wrote this for you." I said as I placed it under the bouquet.

"Momma I'm gonna start school in the fall, I'm gonna do the best I can. I wanna make you proud." Fitch said with a smile.

I pulled him over to me and hugged him. "Thank you Fitch." I said as hugged him. I let him go and I was crying.

"I'm sorry Nevy I promised myself I wouldn't cry but here I am crying." I said.

"Papa on Día de muertos can we come and decorate Momma's grave?" Nina asked.

She still held on to the culture she was born into and I loved that about her.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." I smiled.

After we left the cemetery we went and got ice cream. The children enjoyed it and it made me happy to see they were happy.

I took them home and I had to go to a meeting about the war. So I changed and got myself presentable. A knock came at my door. I went to answer it.

"I heard you took your kids to visit Nevaeh." Megan said.

"I did, they enjoyed it." I said.

"The things they said. They spoke to her as if she was still here." I smiled.

"Did you cry?" Megan asked.

I nodded. "And I told myself I wouldn't. But I loved her so much. The sight of her grave makes me cry. This last year has been so hard without her." I sighed.

"I know it has been." Megan said. "Lucas and I were going to go by and visit her later tonight. I got a letter today from Sage, he said to tell Nevaeh hello."

"I got a similar letter." I smiled.

"I think I'm going to go visit her daily till Sage gets back and read her his letters." Megan said.

"I think Sage would like that." I said. "Ugh why do we do this?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Act like she's still here when she's not. It bothers me. I am always expecting her to walk in every night and kiss me and snuggle up next to me. But she isn't. It's always one of my children that do so." I said as I sat down.

"Do you wanna talk and skip your meeting?" Megan asked.

I nodded. "Dimitri will understand he knows what today is." I said. I took my phone and texted Dimitri.

"We all miss her. She wouldn't like us to keep grieving. It's been a year. I miss her also she was my first born child and my other baby's gone to war. Both my babies are gone. So of course today is hard for me too." Megan said.

We spent the entire afternoon talking about Nevaeh, Lucas came and joined us before we made another visit to Nevaeh's grave.

This was going to be the hardest day of the year for the rest of my life.

A/n: Sorry for another sad chapter. Don't worry the next one will be happier I promise.

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