Sweet Carolina

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Evie pov
I was 10 weeks, and experiencing morning sickness. It affected the movie shoot greatly. Vinnie rubbed my back. As I threw up in my trailer.

"I think it's over with." I said.

I was already in costume for the scene we were going to film today.

Vinnie helped me clean up a bit, and we went to set.

"How are you doing this morning?" Adrian asked.

"I'm okay," I said.

Some of the makeup team came over an touched up on my makeup.

We then went inside Nana's childhood home. I'd been here a few times when I was really young, but I didn't really remember it.

"Well if it isn't the Duchess," Linden Ashby, who was playing Shalom, my great-grandfather. "Good morning to you too." I said as I sat in the living room, with the copy of the selection application.

Laura Innes who was playing Magda was sitting at the table with Linden.

"And action." Adrien yelled.

"Take one!"

I started writing on the paper.

"Do you think the ability to sleep in counts as a special skill?" I asked.

"Yes, list that. And don't forget. To write that you can eat an entire meal in under five minutes." Linden said.

I laughed.

"Oh, the both of you! Why do you just write down that you're an absolute heathen!" Laura said as she got up and stormed out.

"And cut!"

We reset the scene to film from another angle.


When we broke for lunch, I stuck around and looked around the house. I walked in Nana's room. I looked out the window, that had the rotting remains of the treehouse. There were just boards handing out of the tree.

"Evie? Where are you?" I heard Vinnie yell.

"Up here." I called.

He appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing? We're having lunch." He asked

"I know, I just wanted to look around." I said.

"Well come on, you need to eat." Vinnie said as he held out his hand.

We walked out to the catering trailer. Bella, who was playing my Aunt May, had Haven in her lap.

"Momma," Haven squealed.

I took Haven and took a seat.

"Hi baby. Did you have fun this morning with Miss. Bella?" I asked.

"Ya," Haven said.

The chef bought out our meals, I fed Haven off my plate.

"So have you told anyone in your family yet?" Chris Wood asked.

He was playing Mr. Aspen.

"No, but I hope my mother isn't getting suspicious. Like she knows I'm up to something. But she doesn't know what." I said.

"and let's keep it like that." Marrinette said as she joined us.


I was 20 week, and it was the night of dad and Haven's birthday.

My parents were elated I was pregnant again. And now the cast also knew, so angles, and finding ways to make me look less pregnant became a top priority.

The next generation- where we go from hereNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ