New job

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A/n: this chapter is for all of the Hamilton fans out there.

Evie pov
It'd been three months since the twins were born, and almost five months since the bombing.

Vinnie an I were on the verge of desperate, when it came to cash. Vinnie's art income wasn't enough to feed three humans and a pit bull.

So I called up a friend, who told me if I needed anything to just call him.

"Hey Lin, it's Evie." I said. "Hey Eve how's life?" He asked. "Pretty good." I said. "so what is the purpose of this call?" I asked. "Um, I kinda need a job, I'm not asking you to throw me into the ensemble or anything." "I think there's and opening in the orchestra. Or you could always work the merchandise counter?" "Orchestra, text me the conductors number and I'll talk to him." I said. "Will do, glad to help." Lin said. "Your a life savor, Lin." I smiled.

A/n: so another short chapter expert.

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