So long Sage

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Sage pov
I woke up with Diana in my arms. My arm was asleep. I didn't dare more. I wanted to savor this moment for as long as possible. Yet we were interrupted. Bandit was crying from his room. Diana woke up.

"I'll get him." I said as I got up. Diana pouted. I kissed her and then left.

I got Bandit and changed him. He rested head on my chest. I went to Pistol's room and got her.

I carried my babies back to my room. Diana was sitting up in bed. She smiled as I came in with them. I put them on the bed and got back in bed.

"Good morning my sweets." Diana said as she kissed the three of us.

"Eww!" Pistol squealed as Diana and I Kissed.

We pulled away and laughed.

"Is it gross when I kiss you?" I asked as I grabbed Pistol. I held her in my arms and kissed her head As she screamed. I let go of her and she went to Diana for safety.

"Is the baby moving?" Pistol asked.

"No not yet. I'll let you feel her move later." Diana said.

"Now Pistol, in leaving today and I won't be back till christmas. So your gonna have to help Mommy and Gigi a lot. Because I'm not going to be here." I said as I held her.

"Okay." Pistol said.

"Pinky promise?" I ask as I held my pinky out to her.

"Pinky promise." She said as she wrapped her pinky around mine sealing the promise. I kissed her forehead.

"Let's have breakfast." Diana said as she got up.

I got up with my children in my arms. I followed Diana downstairs to the kitchen.

I put Pisto at the table and Bandit in his car seat. I turned the small monitor on and put cartoons on for them.

"No sir your gonna sit there." Diana scolded me.

"But I won't be able to see you for 9 months. I wanna cook for you all one last time." I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

She glared at her and I smiled at her till she cracked.

"Fine," Diana wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

"I'm going to miss you." I said.

"Don't even start." Diana whispered into my chest. I nodded and pulled away. She went over and sat at the breakfast table.

I climbed up on the counter and got the waffle maker down. We only made waffles on special occasions. And today was a special occasion.

"Waffles!" Pistol exclaimed.

"Yep were gonna have blueberry waffles." I said as I set it on the counter.

"Ooh you really are spoiling us." Diana said.

"I am," I said as I got a bowl down. I got the ingredients and started making the waffles.

It wasn't long before I had the first waffle on the skillet.

"Daddy where are you going?" Pistol asked.

"I doesn't know baby. I'm either going to Waverley or somewhere in Europe." I said. "But once I do, I'll write mommy and she'll tell you."

After breakfast I had to go and put my uniform on. Diana sat on our bed and cried when she saw me in the uniform. I went over and hugged her.

"Please don't cry it won't make this any easier." I said as I held her.

"I have something for you." She said as I helped her stand up.

She opened her bedside drawer and she took out a pad of blank sheet music and a pocket knife, tied together with a piece of ribbon.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I Have a feeling you'll find inspiration for music out there so I want you to have somewhere to write it. And the knife is for your own protection. Only use it when you have to. Don't you dare cut yourself with it." Diana scolded.

"I won't, and I'm not supposed to bring outside weaponry but I think I can sneak it in." I said as I took my boot off.

I took the special insole for my high arch out and put the knife under it. I put the insole back and put the boot back on.

"I love you so much." I said as I gave Diana a passionate kiss. "I love you too." She said When we pulled apart.

I got my pack on, and I put the pad of blank sheet music in it. And we left with our kids for the air force base. I drove.

I parked the car and we got out. I got my children out and kissed them and hugged them tightly.

"Now you take care of Mommy for me. You help her and Gigi as much as you can. They're gonna need your help. Remember our promise. I love you, Pistol." I said as I hugged her.

I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I wiped it away. "I love you too, daddy." Pistol said.

"Now Bandit when I get back I wanna see you walking and talking. Can you do that for me mister?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. I kissed his forehead.

"I love you, I'm gonna miss you so much." I said as I hugged Diana.

"I love you too." She said.

"Please take care of yourself." I said as I cupped her.

I kissed her. I knelt down in front of her and put my hands on Diana's stomach.

"Hey Regina, its Daddy. I'm leaving now but don't worry. I'll get to meet at Christmas. You better behave for mommy and Gigi. Don't be too hard on them." I said. I kissed her stomach and felt Regina kick.

"She heard you." Diana said as I stood up.

"Tell Melody I said goodbye." I kissed Diana again.

"One last family hug." I said as I picked Pistol up.

"I love all of you so much." I said.

"Bye bye, Daddy." Pistol said.

I kissed each of my family members again and I said goodbye before going to where I needed to be.

Diana pov
We stayed till Sage's plane took off. I could already feel the sorrow setting into my soul.

I drove home, got my kids out of the car and put them in the living room to watch tv. I slowly climbed the stairs, walked the dark hall to my bedroom. I stopped and sighed. I felt like crying, I needed Sage here. He was my rock. And now I was being swept away by the tides.

I went to my bed and laid down on Sage's side. His pillow still smelled like him.

"Diana! Diana are you in here?" I heard. "Diana wake up!" Mom said as she shook me.

I sat up, "what?" I asked.

Mom glared at me with Bandit on her hip. "Come on, you can't shut out just yet." Mom said as she helped me up. "Your kids need you. Especially this one." She said as she put her hand on my stomach.

I felt ashamed. Sage left and I crumbled into a million pieces.

"Will you help me?" I asked.

"I'll help but I won't do everything." Mom said.

"Thank you." I said as I hugged her. I took Bandit from her and we went downstairs.

A/n: another update woo!

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