What if?

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What if Nick and Evie had continued with swimming careers. What I'd Dimitri had never gotten into rock climbing. What if Nevaeh hadn't been born premature and with out a heart problem? What if none of them had taken theater? What if Dimitri had been born legs? What if what makes up these characters, never happened?

Dimitri and Nikki wouldn't be married, Levi wouldn't exist. Instead of having an Oscar or Tony, Evie would have as many or if not more metals as her parents, Nick also. Sage would still be a natural blonde and piercing less. Instead of a electric guitar, Sage would be playing a Spanish guitar.

Dimitri wouldn't be king. Most of the couples wouldn't be together.

Would they be stuck up? Would they be snobs? Or would their parents teach them companion and generosity?

How could small characteristics define who we are?
A/n: so don't know if this was deep to you. But it is to me. I wouldn't know what to do with them if I hadn't given them the hobbies, pleasures, and jobs they have now.

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