Happy birthday

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Evie pov
I woke up to Haven and Vinnie taking and trying to be quiet.

"Mommy wake up." Haven said.

I rolled over and hugged Haven. I sat up.
"What is this?" I asked.

Vinnie had a few presents and a cupcake with a single candle on it.

"Happy birthday darling. Make a wish." Vinnie said.

"Help me blow it out." I said to Haven.

She eagerly helped my blow out the candle.

"Mommy presents." Haven squealed as Vinnie put the cupcake on the nightstand.

Haven gave me one.

"That's from Haven." Vinnie said.

I took the tissue paper out and inside was something flat and heavy. So It wasn't a canvases painting. I unwrapped it and it was Haven's handprints in plaster.

"Thank you sweetie." I hugged Haven and kissed her head.

Vinnie brought two more presents onto the bed. I opened the bogged two. It was a small canvas, of The three of us.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"One more," Vinnie said.

He opened a small ring box.

"What is this?" I asked

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"What is this?" I asked.

"I was going to to give it to you after our baby was born, but since we lost him, I decided to save it." He said.

I hugged him.

"Thank you." I whispered into the crook of his neck.

Nick pov
I woke up and Chrisiana wasn't awake. I got up and ran out.

I went down the hall to Mom and Dad's room. I knocked on the door. Mom opened the door, she had Lily in her arms.

"Papa." Lily said.

I took her from Mom.

"Papa?" Bella ran out of the room and grabbed my leg.

I managed to pick them both up.

"Did you behave for Gigi?" I asked them.

"They were angels." Mom said.

"Happy birthday, Nick." Dad called.

Even though Evie and I's birthday way yesterday, we usually celebrated the day after.

"Thanks dad." I said.

"Well go run along." Mom said.

"I'm not five Mom." I said.

She laughed and I walked to my room.

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