Poor baby

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Sage pov
I woke up to Pistol crying in her room.

Diana and Bandit had already left for her tour so it was just Pistol and I.

I got up and went down to Pistol's room.

"Hey sweetie what's wrong?" I asked as I picked her up. Her face was flushed and she was really warm.

"My tummy hurt." Pistol said.

"Alright sweetie, let's go take your temperature." I said as I carried her downstairs.

I sat Pistol on the counter and got the thermometer out. I took her temperature and it was 100.9 degrees.

"Alright sweetie your gonna stay in bed today." I said.

"Okay." Pistol said softly. I took her back up to her room.

"Now I'm gonna make myself from breakfast. Do you wanna eat?" I asked as I sat her on her bed.

She shook her head. "Alright sweetie, go back to bed." I kissed her head and tucked her in bed.

I went downstairs and got myself a bowl of cereal. I took my phone out and called my mom. Because I was a concerned parent.

"Good morning Sage." She said cheerfully.

"Good morning Mom." I said.

"How are you doing this morning?" She asked.

"Alright, I've got a sickling. So I've got to care for her." I said.

"Is Pistol alright?" Mom asked, her attitude changed to concerned.

"I don't know, it's probably somthing small she'll get over soon. She's got a fever and she said her tummy hurt. I actually woke up to her crying so that's concerning that she didn't come wake me or climb into bed with me." I said.

I hear Pistol crying again, "daddy!" She called.

"Gotta go, Pistol's calling me. I'll talk to you later." I said.

"Alright let me know how she's doing." Mom said.

"I will." I said. 

I got up and went upstairs to Pistol's room. She'd thrown up. "Oh baby, come here." I said as I picked her up.

I ran down stairs for a moment and grabbed my phone.

"Hey if your free I could use another set of hands." I texted to my mom.

I took Pistol back upstairs and gave her a bath. I wrapped her in a towel and took her room. I put another pair of PJ's on her.

My phone buzzed as I received a text from my mom. "I'm on my way now." She said.

"Abuela is coming over to help care for you won't that be fun." I said.

"Ya," Pistol said.

I started cleaning the room up as Pistol sat at her Tea party table, holding her favorite stuffed bear, Pinky. It was actually funny consisting the bear was black, but when Pistol got Pinky she had a pink dress on.

When I was done cleaning and gagging. I took Pistol downstairs and put her favorite show on.

"Now Pistol tell daddy if you feel like your going to throw up again." I said as I washed my breakfast dished.

A knock came at the front door. "Abuela!" Pistol said.

"Ya, Abuela's here." I said as I went to the front door to answer it.

"Hey thanks for coming." I said.

"Not a problem." Mom said.

Pistol ran over to mom and mom picked her up. "Your burning up sweetie." Mom said as she felt Pistol's forehead.

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