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Dimitri pov
Nikki and I walked to the abbey. I put the beach towel down for us to sit on. I helped Nikki sit down then took a piece of cardboard and wrote, "anything helps. God bless." I took a paper cup out of my pocket and put it in front of us.

We sat out there all day getting spare change and a few dollars from those going by.

When the sun started to set and Curfew was an hour away. I helped Nikki up and we went back to the shelter.

The next morning we did the same thing. Around noon something caught my eye. I looked over and noticed Nikki had diamond earrings on.

"Nikki your earrings." I said.

"What?" She asked as she reached up to her ears.

"My earrings." She took them out.

"We could sell them." She said.

"We could." I said. I got up and then helped her up.

We walked around till we got to a pawn shop and we went in.

"Hi selling or buying?" The guys behind the counter asked.

"Selling." I said.

Nikki gave me the earrings and I placed them on the counter. The man picked them up. And examined them.

"Are the diamonds real?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I said.

He examined the earrings and then gave us a price of a four hundreds.

"So will you sell?" The guy asked.

"Yes." Nikki and I said.

"Alright." The guy payed us in cash and we left.

We walked in the direction of the greyhound bus station.

We turned into an alley as a shortcut. I held Nikki's hand firmly so when I felt her let go it got my attention. I turned around and a man with a knife held to her throat.

"Give me your money." He said.

"Please don't hurt her." I said.

"Give me all your money and she won't get hurt." He said.

"Dimitri," Nikki said, her voice dripping in terror.

I took all the money and change I had on me and gave it to the man. Once he had it he let go of Nikki and ran. I held Nikki and I sunk to ground with her in my arms and we cried. We had been so close and we lost everything.

"Why the long face?" A man asked.

I looked up and saw a black man who had a cheery smile.

"We were mugged. He took everything we had." I said.

"Can either of you sing?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Can either of you sing?" He asked again.

"Yes we can." I said.

"Then today is your lucky day." The man said.

"How?" I asked.

"I'm a street performer. I usually preform broadway songs." He said.

"We're classically trained. We'll split the money with you." I said.

"Deal." The man held his hand out and we shook on our deal. I got up then the two of us helped Nikki up.

"I'm Damien by the way." He said.

"I'm Dimitri and this is my wife, Nikki." I said.

"Come on." He said. He grabbed a speaker and a microphones.

He lead us to a park that had a gazebo. Damien and I set up as Nikki sat down on the steps.

"What songs do you two know?" Damien asked us.

"Tuppences from Mary Poppins." Nikki said.

I smiled, Nikki would sing that song to our kids at bedtime. We'd all pick a room and all gather there and Nikki would either sing Tuppences or stay awake.

"Great," Damien said. "Hey everyone come gather around we're about to do a show." Damien said into the mic.

A small group stopped and gathered around the gazebo.

"For those who have seen my show before you will know I am singer/wannabe broadway star." He said.

"So on the way here today I met the young couple over there and they needed some help so they are going to help me preform. So give it up for Dimitri and Nikki." He said.

Nikki gave a timid smile.

"So which one of you two wanted to go first?" Damien asked.

"My ankles hurt you go first." Nikki told me.

"Alright." I kissed her forehead and went over to Damien.

"What song are you going to sing?" Damien asked.

"Music of the night." I said.

"Alright take it away." He gave me the mic and went and set the music up.

I sang the song, and a few people walked by and put a bit of change in the bucket. I gave the mic back to Damien.

"Give another round of applause to Dimitri." He said as he put his arm around myself.

Damien then sang a few songs. After he finished I went to Damien.

"Do you know All for the best from Godspell?" I asked.

"I love Godspell. Of course I know it." Damien said.

"Can I sing John's part?" Damien asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

At the end of the day, we had a lot of money. Damien took us back to his flat and we split the money up. We had actually earned less than what was expected. So Nikki and I would still have to stay.

A/n: sorry it's a shorter chapter.

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